• 2 months ago
Aaron Glenn's press conference Wednesday at Detroit shows why he is considered a potential leader of men and a serious Bears candidate for coach.
00:00Here's how I sum up leadership, there's really one word, it's influence.
00:14And everybody I come in contact with, I want to influence them in some positive way.
00:22And I don't take that for granted when it comes to players, because that's my responsibility.
00:28It's almost the same as my children, I want to make sure that everybody that I come in
00:32contact with, that when they leave AG, that they have something positive to say.
00:38And it's not always going to be like that, because I do get pissed off at people too.
00:43But to me, that's what I want to impart on every player that I come across with, even
00:48the players that end up leaving here.
00:51I want to impart something positive into them, so as they go about their way, that I've taught
00:58them something that can make them a better person and a better player.
01:01I don't know if that's truly accurate, I can just go off the top of my head with Bill
01:06Carr, Mike Tomlin, Bill Belichick, that's won a ton of Super Bowls as a defensive coach.
01:13And here's the one thing that I would say about myself, I'm a coach, I just happen to
01:19be on defense.
01:20I understand offense just as well as a number of people.
01:24So if you want to hire me, you're going to hire a coach, you're not going to hire a defensive
