• 2 months ago
જી જી હોસ્પિટલમાં દર્દી લીફ્ટમાં ફસાયા...લિફ્ટ મેન ગેરહાજર...લેવાયા પગલા...


00:00We have done a lot of research and we have come to the conclusion that the unfortunate incident that took place in which the worker was not present in the lift
00:13and in this regard, we will take a strict step, we will make him absent and we will give him a notice to explain the reason
00:23We will do our best that if this happens again, we will take a step to remove the worker from the job
00:41This is a very serious matter and we have taken such a step
00:46Who was the worker in the lift?
00:48The unfortunate incident that took place in which the worker was not present in the lift
00:59and the lift man, being ill, says that he was not present in the lift
01:07but we have done a lot of research and we have given him a notice and we will try that this does not happen again
01:17In this regard, if there is a staff or a security person present in the lift, they will help if they can
01:34Do you feel that in this regard, no one has been able to find out in the near future?
01:44We regularly give training to people in the field of security
01:52and the security supervisor regularly supervises the lift man
02:01Like we said, all these lifts are in operation 24 hours a day
02:05and whenever they get down, we also repair them
02:09and an EIU repairs them
02:12There are a lot of lifts in old pharmacies
02:17and whenever there is a problem like this, we have to repair it
