• 2 months ago
Donny Enriquez | Chef Donny
00:00Yo Donnie, what's for lunch?
00:03You know what?
00:04No one ever does fish.
00:05Let's do sea bass.
00:07♪ I'm a private chef, cook for money, yeah. ♪
00:14Guys, welcome back to What's for Lunch.
00:16Another solo episode.
00:17Today, I'm gonna show you how to make
00:19a beautiful Chilean sea bass.
00:21Now, this is gonna work with any kind of fish though.
00:23If you wanna use halibut, if you wanna use salmon,
00:25if you wanna use tilapia, please be my guest.
00:27I just had some sea bass laying around.
00:28It's a little bit on the more pricey side.
00:30Halibut's a perfect white fish, good alternative.
00:33And then we're gonna make a simple pea puree with that.
00:35And then I have some beautiful radicchio here
00:37and we'll make a little side salad.
00:39I'm basically gonna show you how to make
00:40a complex, fancy looking dish
00:42that really only takes 25, 30 minutes max
00:45and looks fantastic.
00:45So, let's get started.
00:47First thing you're gonna wanna do with your fish,
00:50the skin is great.
00:51We're gonna need the skin.
00:52A lot of nutrients in the skin,
00:52but the scales are still on it.
00:54If you went and cooked it now,
00:55you're gonna cook the scales
00:56and then you're gonna see them kind of fall in the pan.
00:58You're gonna go to bite it.
00:59You're gonna taste horrible.
01:00You can't eat the scales on this fish.
01:01Usually I do this over the sink.
01:02I'm gonna do it over here just so you see it.
01:04We're gonna take the back of the knife
01:05and we'll scrape these scales off.
01:06You can get any knife, doesn't matter.
01:08We're gonna use the back of it.
01:09You're gonna find the grain.
01:10So this way, see nothing's coming up.
01:12Then you go this way against the grain
01:14and those scales are gonna start flying everywhere.
01:16It's best to do this over the sink.
01:18You're not using the sharp side of the knife.
01:19You don't wanna cut into the fish.
01:21Just the back, just the dull side will work.
01:22If you have a fish scaler, that does it really fast,
01:25but you don't need one.
01:26You can do it yourself.
01:27Now, I love the crispiness you get
01:28with the fish skin like that,
01:30but if you wanna go through the hassle
01:31of taking off all the scales,
01:32you can simply just slice right there
01:35and take the skin off.
01:36Just make sure like with anything,
01:37it's super dry so we can get a nice sear
01:39so it's not gonna steam in that pan.
01:41Put this off to the side.
01:43Frozen peas, yes, frozen peas, totally fine.
01:45This is a good kind of use it up.
01:47You have peas in your freezer, frozen peas.
01:49You can make a quick puree out of them.
01:50They're gonna taste great,
01:51but this will work with broccoli.
01:52This will work with a sweet potato.
01:53This will work with any kind of vegetable.
01:55This is kind of the base of how you make a simple puree.
01:58So peas go in there.
01:59We're gonna get this on medium heat.
02:01I'm gonna cover it with chicken stock.
02:05Now, could you use water?
02:07Is that gonna taste as good?
02:08No, no.
02:09You need, you know, this can add more flavor in that,
02:11but if you wanted to use vegetable stock, perfect.
02:14You can completely keep it vegetarian.
02:16I just happen to have some chicken stock
02:17always in my pantry.
02:19Now, we're gonna just bring this up to a boil
02:21so that those are defrosted
02:23and then they start to soften up
02:26and then that'll be our simple pea puree.
02:28With our fish, you can season this how you want.
02:31I'm gonna keep it pretty simple, actually.
02:33I think what I'm gonna do right now,
02:35I just had an idea.
02:36I'm gonna go just olive oil, salt, and pepper on the fish,
02:38and then we're gonna do brown butter
02:40and some sage right here,
02:42and that's how we're gonna finish the fish off.
02:44But if you wanna blacken it,
02:45you can put a bunch of Cajun spices,
02:46some paprika, some cayenne pepper,
02:48a little bit of salt, pepper,
02:49and you can do a blackened style fish, delicious too.
02:51There's a lot of different ways you can go with this.
02:53You can really make,
02:54take this concept and make it your own.
02:56I'm gonna go brown butter.
02:57So let me get another pan out here for that.
02:58See, that's kind of 90% of cooking
03:00is you have a general idea of where you wanna go
03:02and then it changes along the way.
03:05So the dish can be, with these components,
03:07you can have five, 10 different flavors,
03:0810 different dishes just from this structure alone.
03:16Throw a little salt in here with the peas.
03:19The chicken stock can have a good amount of sodium in it.
03:22This is a low sodium one,
03:23so I'm gonna add a little bit of salt,
03:24but if it's a pretty salty chicken stock already,
03:27you probably don't need much.
03:29Salt on the fish, little oil.
03:37Get that skin side nice and coated.
03:41Going pretty high heat here.
03:46Actually, we're not gonna go crazy high.
03:47We're gonna go a little lower.
03:48I don't want the skin to burn.
03:49We're gonna go skin side down for most of this process.
03:51And now our peas are going,
03:53so we can take that off.
03:54Let that reduce a little bit.
03:56Butter's going.
03:57For the fish, we're gonna go high,
03:59like a little bit higher than medium.
04:00That's like a seven or a seven and a half on mine.
04:03We're gonna start with the skin side down
04:05and we're gonna get that skin really crispy
04:07and then we're gonna flip.
04:08So most of the cooking is gonna happen with this skin.
04:11Okay, so that goes down there, perfect.
04:14Butter, start to bubble up.
04:16Perfect, now let that fish do its thing.
04:19It'll start cooking, don't touch it.
04:21If you try to pull it, mess with it now,
04:23skin's gonna rip, it's gonna tear.
04:25Let it sear, let it get crispy.
04:27It's gonna release from the pan on its own.
04:29Look at the peas.
04:30I really don't want them to,
04:31if we keep them cooking like this,
04:32they're gonna turn kind of brown and horrible,
04:34lose their color.
04:35So we're gonna quickly shock them under cold water
04:37to hold all that vibrancy
04:38and I'm gonna keep the warm liquid to the side
04:40for the puree.
04:41So I'm gonna do that right now.
04:48They're done cooking.
04:49There we go.
04:50They're gonna stay nice and green.
04:59We're starting to get some good color on the sides
05:01and you're looking just for the middle part.
05:03It's gonna go from like that uncooked raw color
05:07to slightly more opaque milky white
05:09and you're gonna just look for it riding up the side.
05:11So there it's still got a little ways to go.
05:13It's still stuck on the bottom.
05:15It's gonna check on the color
05:17on the bottom of that fish there.
05:20Still give that more time.
05:20It doesn't wanna pull away yet.
05:22We'll let it keep going.
05:23For our salad, some nice, beautiful radicchio.
05:25Look at the color on this.
05:26Radicchio is bitter.
05:27I'm just gonna tear this off by hand.
05:29What we're gonna do is we're gonna dress it
05:30with something a little bit sweeter,
05:32a little balsamic vinegar, a little Dijon mustard,
05:34olive oil, some lemon juice, simple.
05:37So you can chop this up.
05:38I like to just rip it up by hand,
05:41keep it a little more rustic.
05:47Look how nice and crispy that skin is
05:48all the way through.
05:49We're just gonna let it finish cooking on that side
05:51and then we'll be done.
05:53Our butter's still browning over here.
05:54I'm gonna turn it up a little bit.
05:56So salad dressing, Dijon mustard.
06:02Not too much, just a little bit there.
06:03Olive oil, balsamic.
06:11Just gonna cut like a cheek of lemon here.
06:17Okay, see how the butter now is like nice and foamy
06:20and nice and brown.
06:20It smells really nutty in here, great flavor.
06:22Okay, perfect.
06:24Now what we're gonna do, take some sage,
06:26throw it right in that brown butter.
06:28Take it off the heat.
06:29Let that sage infuse in there.
06:31Fish is looking great.
06:34That's done cooking.
06:35We can take that off the heat.
06:36Okay, dressing.
06:41Lemon juice is gonna go into that brown butter.
06:42Now I don't wanna cook it.
06:43We're just doing this at the end.
06:45If you cook it with the brown butter,
06:47it gets like a metallic taste.
06:48The lemon juice does not come out well.
06:50So just at the end, you want the freshest of lemon juice
06:52right into that brown butter.
06:54And then this, we'll pour over the fish like that.
07:00Oh my God, delicious.
07:02And we'll baste it in the pan.
07:05Get some of that sage.
07:06So now we have brown butter, lemon juice, sage,
07:09and we just baptize that fish.
07:11We just roll it around in there.
07:13It's gonna get all that flavor
07:14and finish cooking beautifully right there.
07:17Last thing we gotta do is just finish off this puree.
07:19So that hot chicken stock.
07:22Back in over those peas.
07:23Not all of it.
07:23That looks like enough.
07:24And then we take our immersion blender.
07:31Look at that nice vibrant color.
07:35Little bit of cold butter goes in here.
07:43Radicchio right into that bowl that we made our dressing in.
07:46Just give this a quick toss.
07:48This, I like a little bit heavier dressed.
07:52Not crazy, but perfect.
07:57Puree goes in first.
08:06Then you always want to try to make
08:08the puree a little bit thicker.
08:11Then you always want to try to make,
08:13build volume, make things look bigger.
08:16So then salad goes off to the side right there.
08:19Look at that color contrast we have going already.
08:21And finish it off.
08:22We worked so hard to get that crispy skin.
08:24So let's just put that skin right up like that.
08:31Look at that.
08:33And there you go.
08:33This is a meal that took 25 minutes to make.
08:36It's three components.
08:38But look, you're getting something that looks
08:41like a restaurant quality, fancy dinner,
08:42and even more volume right there.
08:43Hike it up a little bit more.
08:46Oh, gorgeous.
08:49I mean, that's perfect right there.
08:50If you want to finish,
08:51you can put a little bit of that brown butter on top.
08:53I'm going to do just a little bit of lemon.
08:56And there you guys go.
08:57That is a simple Chilean sea bass.
09:00Like I said, though, you can use halibut.
09:02You can use cod.
09:03You can even do this with salmon.
09:04Easy, puree, salad, and your dish right there.
09:08There you guys go.
09:08If I could do this again,
09:10if the fish is a little long, the shape-wise,
09:11maybe I'd cut it in half and do two pieces,
09:13but that's neither here nor there.
09:15It's going to taste amazing.
09:17I'll just show you this fish now.
09:18I'll kind of flip it over.
09:19You can hear the skin.
09:21Listen to this.
09:22Skin comes right off.
09:27I mean, look, perfectly cooked.
09:30That'll just flake apart, just like so.
09:34And you can get a little bite of everything.
09:35Some fish, some salad.
09:41We don't do enough fish on this show.
09:42I'm going to start doing more fish,
09:43maybe solo episodes.
09:44I'll do stuff that people don't want to make.
09:46Fish is so good for you.
09:47Eat your fish.
09:48Every crave-worthy bite tastes better with Pepsi.
09:51That's going to do it for this episode.
09:52Nice, fun solo episode.
09:54We'll be back with a guest next week.
09:56See you guys then.
