• 2 months ago
00:00people who have to go there and all that. We are trying to work out on how to make it
00:18more functional. We are having the same problem in Pune also. So, it is a transition kind
00:23of a challenge. But yes, we are working. I am aware about the challenges out there.
00:30I am hoping that we will be able to, if not directly the buses, maybe some other services
00:35we can start there and then slowly then expand it into others. So, I think it is a question
00:40of just the transition, the habit of everybody going there.
00:44A major challenge we face for that ISBT issue right now is of course the bridge that we
00:49have, the dam over Umiyam. So, we are having a big issue because the vehicles are not
00:56able to come this side. And that again we are doing not because we do not want them
01:00to come, but that we are doing because of the fact that the load capacity as per the
01:07study that has been done by us, we have to restrict. It is not that they cannot go, they
01:12can go, but the more stress we put on the dam, then the life span of the bridge, of
01:19the dam goes down. So, in the extreme case of being very, very
01:24careful about this whole issue and taking no chance at all, we have restricted the transport
01:31and movement over this bridge, over this dam. So, that is what the issue is because now
01:36we have all the work that we have done, everything. We hope that this adds another 20-25 years
01:42plus to the longevity of this bridge. So, that is something we do not want to tinker
01:48with or we want to. So, we are looking at an alternative route that will come into the
01:52city so that these buses can then take that alternative route and come in. That DPR is
01:56under process, but till then it is a bit complicated. So, but I choose the safety over the convenience
02:04and the utility right now and therefore, safety is more important. So, we will not change
02:09those facts immediately, but I hope that in the coming days we will be able to do something
02:15about it.
02:16So, we have many forums. I mentioned it again today that we invite the organization for
02:23talks and we are happy to again facilitate the entire process like we did last time.
02:29Yes, things could not move forward. There were some challenges that we faced, but if
02:35we want to truly move forward, then we have to overcome those challenges and the only
02:39way to overcome those challenges is to be able to have dialogue and to discuss and find
02:43out ways and means. So, we urge that look, there could be challenges, there could be
02:48some areas that hurdles that will come up, which is natural in difficult discussions
02:53and negotiations like these, but that should not let us down. That should just ensure,
02:57in fact, make us more firm to say that we want long lasting peace and we want to ensure
03:03that all these issues are addressed and whatever concerns are there from their side, you know,
03:10we need to sit down and discuss and within the constitutional framework, within the discussions
03:16with MHA and Government of India and state government and with the organization, we should
03:20move forward. So, that is what our appeal is. We would want to once again give the message
03:27that we are ready to discuss and let us come to the table again to talk and whatever concerns
03:33are there, the best way to resolve those concerns is through dialogue.
03:37One of the reasons that the HNLC had pointed out when it decided to pull out of the peace
03:43talk was the demand for general amnesties. What do you have to say on that?
03:48So, this aspect has been discussed many times. From Government of India point of view, it
03:54is mentioned that we cannot announce that right now, you see, because obviously there
03:59are certain cases, laws, rules that are there from the past. So, obviously, we are giving
04:04a way forward. We are saying that look, let us discuss this aspect. Certain heinous crimes
04:10are there, which certain laws are in place. For us as a state government to just come
04:16in and say that okay, you know, everything is off. We cannot do it. It has to be from
04:20Government of India level to discuss this. But even to discuss that, you have to sit
04:24down and say that look, before we even sit down, you are asking and saying that give
04:28us general amnesty. How do we start the discussion is what I am saying. So, you have the discussion.
04:33For the purpose of our discussion, we are assuring that there will be a safe passage.
04:38So, when we discuss all of this, then all these issues will come up and then case to
04:42case basis things can be taken up. But before the discussion starts, how do we put conditions
04:47and tell Government of India to move this? It is not possible. So, bring all this in
04:51the table and discuss this and we will do our best from our side also to put in the
04:56case and discuss with Government of India. But it is something that I cannot give the
04:59commitment from.