• 2 months ago
Fabiola Sabedra y Kevin Alfonso Gil repasan todo lo que tienes que saber sobre la jornada de este miércoles 15 de enero en la etapa del Round Robin de la LVBP. 🔥⚾

Presentado por Sella Tu Parley y Banesco

#LVBP #Beisbol #Venezuela #LaPrevia #SellaTuParley #Banesco #BanesConecta #RoundRobin


00:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco.
00:04Envía remesas a Venezuela con las opciones de Vanesco.
00:11En sellatuparley.com compartimos tu pasión por el deporte,
00:14apuestas deportivas, hipicas, loterías y mucho más.
00:30La Previa es presentada por Vanesco.
00:35Envía remesas a Venezuela con las opciones de Vanesco.
00:40Hello, how are you friends? How are you?
00:42Good afternoon, welcome to La Previa by Baseball Player.
00:46Today is Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
00:49We already know the first team classified,
00:52but also two teams eliminated.
00:55I refer to the Aragua Tigers and the Magallanes Navigators
00:58and also two teams that are fighting for that last place to the grand final.
01:03We are going to be breaking down in this segment everything I am referring to
01:07and for this I must greet you, Fabi, how are you?
01:10Very well, Kevin, greetings to you and also to all fans of Venezuelan baseball
01:14who connect at this time through the Baseball Player signal.
01:18As you have commented, honestly, we have a very beautiful, enriching panorama
01:24in terms of Venezuelan baseball.
01:26Yes, Cardenales is the first finalist,
01:29but it remains to be seen who will be that rival of the Larenses.
01:34The fight is very strong between the Bravos of Margarita and the Aguilas del Zulia.
01:39Yesterday we spoke that the Magallanes Navigators had hope,
01:43but with the defeat suffered yesterday against the Aguilas del Zulia
01:47for a result of 8 races for 2,
01:49unfortunately the Turks do not stay in the fight.
01:53Yes, they became the second eliminated team, Fabi,
01:56in this round robin of season 24-25
01:59and well, the Aguilas del Zulia, for their part, are still in the race.
02:03The Aguilas with that hard challenge of winning the last commitments they have left.
02:08They had 4 commitments left, they already won the first one,
02:11but they have these last 3 challenges left.
02:15Yes, we are going to focus on yesterday's duel
02:18and especially on the Magallanes Navigators
02:20because Junior Guerra, who had been the ace of the rotation of the Turks,
02:24took the third reverse in this all-against-all,
02:28that is, he took the defeat,
02:30and for this postseason he has not looked good at all,
02:33unlike what he did in the regular round.
02:36Well, Fabi, we have already commented on it on several occasions,
02:39especially in this round robin,
02:41perhaps it is a matter of fatigue, fatigue, an extensive season.
02:45He showed a very good version in the regular round,
02:48but as you mentioned, he has not shown, it has not been the same.
02:51Junior Guerra in this all-against-all,
02:54there you have his numbers in what was the postseason,
02:571.13, 18.2, 30 unstoppable,
03:01a win of 2.25, 12 punches and 12 tickets.
03:06That is, Junior Guerra did not do well in this postseason.
03:12We repeat, I consider that it is a matter of fatigue,
03:15that Junior Guerra's arm is suffering.
03:17I totally agree with you Kevin,
03:19it seems to me that it is a matter of fatigue in this postseason,
03:22because if we compare his numbers in what he left in the regular round,
03:26he left a balance of 8 victories and just 1 defeat.
03:31In fact, thanks to this good performance, he ended up rising as the pitcher of the year.
03:36I have no doubt that Junior Guerra was the pitcher of the year,
03:41but there is a factor that definitely cost the Turks,
03:47at least in what was this postseason, which was the pitching.
03:50However, the ship has two games left to play,
03:54one against the Eagles and the other against the Tigers of Aragua.
03:58That said, the ship is totally eliminated in this all-against-all,
04:04and it is located in the fourth position of the classification
04:07with a balance of 5 victories and 9 defeats.
04:10That is, winning those two commitments would not give him an opportunity.
04:15Yes, they are already eliminated from this phase,
04:18but I would like to ask a question to Fabi,
04:21both to you and to all those people who are there connected in Baseball Play.
04:25Is this panorama of the elimination of the Magallanes sailors a failure?
04:30Do you see it that way?
04:31No, I don't see it as a failure,
04:34taking into account that the Magallanes sailors were out of the round robin last season.
04:40So they are professional teams and it is also part of the sport.
04:45One day you are up, another day you are not in a good mood,
04:50you are not in a good mood, but the idea is to take into account what we are failing.
04:56Think about what is happening,
05:01and try to remedy it, which I think was what the management did, at least in this campaign.
05:06But really, what to classify the round robin,
05:09for me, honestly, it does not seem like a failure.
05:12Now, I should demand from the Magallanes sailors
05:16that for the next campaign, for what the round robin is,
05:20they have to be a little tougher.
05:22Well, and if you ask me, Fabi, about the elimination of the Magallanes sailors,
05:26I must say that I consider that there are two perspectives.
05:29First, that of the beginning of the season,
05:31a team that received Eduardo Pérez as its captain,
05:35also had good pieces from the beginning,
05:38players of the franchise, of importance,
05:41but that panorama was diminishing with the passing of the season,
05:45and also at the beginning of the round robin, I also consider that it was that point of inflection,
05:50because it had many important casualties, I must say,
05:53that of Luis Torres, for example, that of Diego Castillo,
05:56and also add to it what they did with the bullpen,
06:00they removed those arms that were of utmost importance
06:04at the end of the commitments,
06:07and of course that greatly diminished the options of the Turks in this all-against-all.
06:12So for me, it was a panorama that was expected
06:15due to those absences at the beginning of this all-against-all.
06:19Yes, correct.
06:20In fact, in previous previews, Kevin,
06:22we had been talking about
06:24why the management of Navigantes del Magallanes
06:27in the draft of additions and substitutions
06:30went for the choice of Jan Herbi Solarte
06:32and also Gabriel Arias.
06:34Yes, we know that they are two men who have a lot of potential
06:38and have also given good results to the Toletería,
06:41but the management knew that the pitching at some point was going to fail,
06:46so the most logical thing would be,
06:49as here we are thinking about cold,
06:51it would be to go for a choice in terms of pitchers.
06:55But hey, those were parts of the decisions that were made
06:58and well, each decision also has its consequences.
07:01Now we go with another team,
07:03the Bravos de Margarita,
07:05who beat Cardenales de Lara
07:07and assured gentlemen, an extra game.
07:10The Bravos de Margarita
07:11held their second victory
07:13and reached 9 laurels in the all-against-all.
07:17The only team that Fabio can reach the Bravos de Margarita
07:20is the team of Las Águilas del Zulia,
07:23which has a record of 6 victories
07:26or accumulates in its record 6 victories
07:28and must win those 3 commitments that remain to reach them.
07:32Later we will be offering you the scenario
07:37that can be raised to generate an extra game
07:40in this all-against-all that is very interesting.
07:43The truth is that the Insulares beat Cardenales de Lara
07:46a race for zero
07:48in a very interesting game,
07:51a pitching duel
07:52that can be said to be a preview
07:55to a great final between these two teams.
07:58Totally, some Bravos de Margarita
08:01who have looked very brave
08:02not only in this all-against-all
08:04but since the beginning of the campaign.
08:06Let's remember that the Bravos
08:08were the ones who took away the undefeated, gentlemen.
08:10How many games did Cardenales de Lara have in a consecutive way
08:14that the Larenses did not know the defeat.
08:17It was really impressive.
08:18It was the Insulares and apart
08:20because last night they lost by the wayside.
08:24So this means that
08:26if the Bravos de Margarita
08:28finally qualified
08:30to the last instance of the Venezuelan ball,
08:33we are going to have a very good ball game
08:36in what is this final series.
08:38Let's talk now about the pitching.
08:40Both pitchers launched for 6 pitches.
08:43Endersby allowed 6 hits and 1 race.
08:46Instead, Vargas, who in fact took the victory,
08:50only received 3 hits without races.
08:53We are talking about the two best pitching bodies
08:56in the final series.
08:58And the collective, well, nothing.
09:00The Bravos have an efficiency of 3.31
09:03while Cardenales of 3.70.
09:06Well, yes, yesterday we saw an interesting pitching duel
09:09and that was what we were saying minutes ago.
09:12It is what we can predict for that final
09:15in case the Insulares, the Bravos de Margarita,
09:19concrete that classification for the first time in their history.
09:23The truth of the case, Fabi,
09:25is that making reference and reinforcing a little
09:27about Jesús Vargas,
09:29that is one of the reinforcements that has yielded the most
09:31in this all-against-all.
09:33Yesterday he got up with the victory.
09:36There you have on the screen
09:38precisely what he has done
09:40or the performance that Jesús Vargas has shown,
09:42reinforcement from the Leones del Caracas,
09:44in this round robin.
09:46It has an efficiency of 2.82
09:49and has received only 7 clean races
09:51in 22 and a third of the work.
09:53So great choice, right?
09:55In this case for the Bravos de Margarita.
09:57The series between Cardenales and Bravos
10:00culminated in favor of the Margariteños
10:02in this postseason 3 and 1.
10:04While in the regular round
10:06culminated in favor of the Pájaros Rojos
10:08with 5 victories and 3 defeats.
10:11This translates, gentlemen,
10:13that there is a lot of parity between the two teams.
10:16The truth of the case, Fabi,
10:18is that the Margariteño offense
10:20needs to finish turning on the engines
10:22if they plan to compete in that grand final.
10:25A fairly deficient team has been shown
10:27when it comes to batting.
10:29They have awakened.
10:31There are some players there
10:33who have stood out in recent days,
10:36but they still show the worst
10:38collective advantage in this instance
10:40with 253.
10:42In addition, they are the second best team
10:45that has connected the least extra bases
10:47in this instance
10:49with 26 hits
10:51of two or more bases.
10:53So if this organization
10:55of the Bravos de Margarita
10:57wants to compete hard in the grand final,
10:59it definitely has to turn on the engines
11:01in terms of offense,
11:03because we already know that the pitching is there.
11:05Exactly, yes.
11:07They would only have to correct that deficiency
11:09that would be the batting,
11:11but then they would have a much more competitive team
11:14than is shown today.
11:16Gentlemen, with this we are going to take a break,
11:18but we will be back with more of the preview
11:20through Baseball Play.
11:32Baseball Play
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11:47and much more.
11:49Seal your Parley.com
12:02The family has arrived!
12:04Hello Visa!
12:05Hello my friend!
12:19Friends, we are back with more of this preview
12:22through Baseball Play.
12:24Thank you for staying there with us.
12:26Before continuing, we must extend an invitation to you,
12:28and that is that if you want to enjoy
12:30this final stretch of the round robin
12:32and of course the grand final,
12:34you have to subscribe to our website
12:38with a unique amount of 12.99.
12:41You will be able to experience the emotion
12:43of the Venezuelan ball.
12:44You already know, www.baseballplay.com
12:47with a unique amount of 12.99.
12:50Fabi, having said this,
12:52we must continue with the day
12:54of the Venezuelan ball.
12:56We must start with the match
12:58between Bravos de Margarita
13:00and Tigres de Aragua.
13:01Some insulars who,
13:02in order to win this match,
13:04qualify for a final round for the first time.
13:07Yes, sir.
13:08They are just a few steps away
13:10from achieving that great triumph.
13:12They will be credited,
13:14as you have commented,
13:16to the grand final of the LBP.
13:18And there, it will be finally defined
13:20who will be the opponent
13:22of Cardenales de Lara.
13:23However, they will be facing
13:25some Tigres de Aragua.
13:27There are some Tigres
13:29who also like to joke,
13:31so to speak, in a colloquial term.
13:33Both teams have already faced
13:35two opportunities during this postseason.
13:38In fact, they shared honors
13:40in the series played on the island,
13:42there in the Pearl of the Caribbean,
13:44last week.
13:45Let's remember what those markers were.
13:48How did that final board look?
13:50The first commitment was taken
13:52by the Bravos de Margarita
13:54as a result of three races by two.
13:56While on the second day,
13:58the Tigres de Aragua got up
14:00with a final board
14:02of four races by three.
14:04Well, those led by José Moreno,
14:06Fabi arrive in Maracay,
14:08to the Pérez Colmenares,
14:10with that emotional feeling
14:12of having precisely defeated
14:14the leaders of the table
14:16in a quite interesting game.
14:18They have even won two victories
14:20in these last days.
14:22They have a record of five victories
14:24and one defeat.
14:26They have played very well
14:28in this all-against-all,
14:30when it comes to playing as visitors.
14:32And those who have been playing
14:34very well in the last days
14:36have been the Tigres de Aragua,
14:38who have a strong tolerance
14:40that can complicate the classification
14:42to the islands.
14:44Let's remember that they are only
14:46one victory away from being able
14:48to qualify for the grand final.
14:50Let's see how the outcome
14:52of this commitment will be,
14:54which, by the way,
14:56starts at 7 p.m.
14:58Another commitment that also
15:00starts at the same time is that
15:02of the Magallanes sailors
15:04before the Zulia eagles.
15:06Some sailors who are without options
15:08but will jump to complicate
15:10the panorama of the rivals.
15:12Totally, Fabi. The Turks will try
15:14to give a slap to the Zulia eagles.
15:16A defeat of the Rapaces
15:18without options in this all-against-all.
15:20They have no margin of error.
15:22Those led by Lixo Nava
15:24are forced to win the three
15:26commitments that remain.
15:28One is precisely the one of today
15:30against the Magallanes sailors
15:32and the other two are going to be
15:34against the Cardinals of the Ara.
15:36Wow, a pretty interesting task
15:38that the Rapaces have.
15:40But the good thing is that the signing
15:42responded again and they will try
15:44to use that aspect of the game
15:46as a challenge. We will see how
15:48the signing will react and
15:50above all the Zuliana offensive
15:52that shows an improvement in this last phase.
15:54Well, precisely yesterday
15:56they connected 10 unstoppable, Fabi.
15:58That Zuliana goal, they are already
16:00at 270 of collective advantage.
16:02Very close to the 300 points.
16:04There are players who have
16:06stood out. We refer for example
16:08to Ali Castillo, Jose Pirela,
16:10Osley Bisbassabe has also been
16:12out there standing out.
16:14Also Eduardo Torrealba, who has played
16:16there some commitments and has also
16:18been responding to the cause
16:20of Elixo Nava. All these players
16:22are already above
16:24the 300 points. The one who
16:26has been very, very good
16:28Fabi, has been André Chaparro,
16:30highlighted in the last
16:32commitments. He has even
16:34connected three
16:36quadrangles in the last four
16:38challenges of the Eagles of Zulia.
16:40So it's a real luxury
16:42to have this player here
16:44in our ball and giving that contribution
16:46to the Zulianos.
16:48And hopefully we can continue to see Andrés Chaparro
16:50uniforming with the Eagles of Zulia
16:52after this good performance
16:54this season. With this we are going
16:56to review the table of positions.
16:58There you are visualizing them
17:00on your screen. Cardinals
17:02at the top with 10 victories
17:04and 4 defeats. Today, by the way,
17:06the Bravos are resting
17:08near that pass to the grand final
17:10with a balance of 9 victories
17:12and 5 defeats. The Eagles,
17:14who do not give up, are in
17:16third place of the table with 6
17:18and 7. And well, Navigators
17:20of the Magallanes and the Tigers of
17:22Aragua are already eliminated.
17:24Well, and we are going to finish
17:26Fabi with a possible scenario,
17:28with the scenario that this
17:30final straight of all-against-all poses to us.
17:32If the Eagles of Zulia win the
17:34three commitments they subtract and the
17:36Bravos of Margarita lose
17:38the two challenges they subtract,
17:40this would generate a tie between these
17:42sets in second place of the table
17:44with a record of 9 victories
17:46and 7 defeats.
17:48And what does this translate into?
17:50Well, you're going to have to play
17:52an extra game to define
17:54who will be the second
17:56classified to that grand final.
17:58Let's repeat it. If the Eagles
18:00of Zulia win the three
18:02commitments they subtract and the Bravos
18:04lose the two challenges,
18:06which by the way are against the Tigers of Aragua,
18:08this would generate a tie
18:10there in that second place to put
18:12more tension to this final part
18:14of all-against-all.
18:16As if it were not enough, but the
18:18case is that if that
18:20extra game is generated,
18:22then it would be disputed
18:24for Saturday, January 18,
18:26that is, this same Saturday.
18:28So well, here things are
18:30very complicated, but that is also
18:32the beauty of Venezuelan baseball.
18:34Gentlemen, with this we say goodbye
18:36without first thanking
18:38each of you for your faithful
18:40tuning. Remember to subscribe
18:44and also interact
18:46on the different digital platforms.
18:48We are located as
18:50arrobaBaseballPlay. It will be until next time.
18:52Bye Bye.