• 2 months ago


00:00It is an opportunity to serve the motherland, to remember our ancestors.
00:06And in such a situation, the more we serve, the more we put in effort, the more we do dharma, the more we do parmartha, the less it is.
00:15On this earth, such a time has come, no matter how good your good deeds are,
00:21you can see your personality in deeds and in truth.
00:25Words cannot make a thing, and even today words can make a thing.
00:29There is no need for words, the nature itself is making the thing.
00:33The river is itself saying, let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:38And our saints also said, let's go, let's go.
00:42Our saints also said, at certain times,
00:46Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:51Turya Turya Cha, Charae Veti Charae Veti, Aekla Chalo Re.
00:55These are the saints, the Mahatmas.
00:57All the Dharmavalambis and Dharmadhwaj Dharaks
01:02are saying all this.
01:04So the human being is being awakened.
01:07This is the time to wake up.
01:09Kailasa is also going to have a performance.
01:12Kailash Kher and Kailasa live in concert.
01:15This time, Anahat Naag will wake up through Kailasa.
01:18Dhooni Ramegi Maha Kumbh.
01:20Two days before Mahashivratri,
01:23we, Mahakumbh's Kalagram, a Sanskriti Mantralay,
01:28with the Rajya Sarkar, have prepared a very lovely stage.
01:37On that, Kailasa's Sur will echo.
01:40Anahat Naag will echo.
01:42So, O my Indians,
01:44O my lovers of music,
01:46O my fans of Kailasa,
01:48you are enjoying Mahakumbh Sangam.
01:51It is trending on Instagram
01:53and all the social pages.
01:56And all the two songs of Mahakumbh that we have sung,
02:01both are on your heartbeats.
02:04But, Kailash Kher and Kailasa are going to have a live concert.
02:09It is on the 23rd of February,
02:12two days before Mahashivratri.
02:15And the programs of our Sanskriti are going on there.
02:20Their almost closing, second day of closing,
02:25second last performance will be of Kailasa.
02:29So, all the people who are in Prayagraj, Teerthraj,
02:33come at that time and enjoy Kailasa's Sur.
02:37And bathe in these Sur as well.
02:41Because the Sur is bathed by the Atma.
02:46Why does it make the body so soft?
02:51Because in Sur, there is God.
02:53So, come and enjoy the live performance.
02:59And before that, we will go once or twice,
03:02but that date has not been decided yet.
03:04We will go for some Akhadas.
03:06There are some Akhadas of our great saints.
03:09We will go for them.
03:11So, Kailasa has been visited 2-3 times this time.
03:14And in this way, our entire program has been made.
