• 2 months ago
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Weaponized Religion: From Christian Identity to the NAR:
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735160962

Come Out of Her My People Vol II:

John and Charles discuss the early divisions within the message following William Branham’s death, focusing on the conflicting doctrines and practices he left behind. They explore the roots of schism in the message, beginning with the “church order” doctrine, which was introduced in the 1950s and enforced more rigidly in 1963. William Branham’s contradictory teachings, such as his stance on spiritual gifts, contributed to the formation of two early factions: one embracing church order and one opposing it. These divisions, initially a matter of internal disagreement, grew into formal factions after Branham’s death as his followers struggled to reconcile conflicting interpretations of his teachings.

The conversation highlights how William Branham’s leadership style, marked by contradictory directives and a tendency to foster divisions, laid the groundwork for the splintering of his movement. John and Charles reflect on their personal experiences with the message, emphasizing how secrecy and conflicting teachings perpetuated schisms. They also discuss the broader implications of these divisions for the message community, noting that many of today’s message factions trace their roots back to these early splits. The discussion sets the stage for future episodes exploring related topics, including the shepherding movement, message unity, and the perfectionist tendencies within the movement.

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Early Message Splintering and Factions
03:28 Roots of Church Order and Its Impact
07:46 Contradictions in William Branham’s Teachings
11:19 Schisms in the Message Community Pre-1965
18:30 The Rise of Anti-Church Order Sentiment
24:48 Early Message Conventions and Emerging Divisions
32:54 Shifting Dynamics After Branham’s Death
46:05 Role of Ministers in Perpetuating Secrecy and Divisions
55:11 Reflections on Factions Within the Branham Tabernacle

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