• 2 months ago
मराठा योद्धाओं की वीरगाथा पूरी दुनिया में मशहूर है. उनकी वीरगाथा की एक निशानी हरियाणा के पानीपत में है, महाराष्ट्र सरकार इसका विकास करेगी.


00:00and teachers are doing their services.
00:02You have established the Central India Research Foundation
00:05under the guidance of missile man APJ Abdul Kalam
00:08and you have provided a large amount of money
00:11in the field of children's education.
00:14You are a political and a leader.
00:17Believe me, Mr.
00:19Before this, on this earth,
00:22the Maratha leaders who were martyred,
00:25I would like to...
00:28I would like to...
00:31Because our Hindu kingdom,
00:34the kingdom of the Marathas,
00:37was not only the kingdom of the Marathas.
00:40It was the Hindu kingdom of every single person
00:43who lived in India.
00:46That is why,
00:49everyone who believes in the Hindu kingdom,
00:52who believes in Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj,
00:55will be eager to come here.
01:10This is our land.
01:13That is why, the soil of this land is pure for us.
01:16People say, we lost this war.
01:19This was not a war. This was just an expedition.
01:22There is a war and there is a battle.
01:52The Marathas attacked them and destroyed them.
01:55Our Marathas did this.
01:58And then, once again,
02:01the Marathas established the Hindu kingdom on the North.
02:04This was the power of the Marathas.
02:07That is why, the Marathas did not lose the war.
02:10They lost the expedition.
02:13But after that, if someone won the war,
02:16then the Marathas won.
02:19The Marathas did the work of restoring the Hindu kingdom.
02:22That is why,
02:25this is the land of war.
02:28This is the land of war.
02:31This is the land of war.
02:34This land gave us a message.
02:37If the other kings of the country had come to help us,
02:40If the other kings of the country had come to help us,
02:43then maybe, Abdali would have lost and gone.
02:46Maybe, Abdali would have won the war.
02:49But he was so defeated that he could not return to India.
02:52But he was so defeated that he could not return to India.
02:55He never set foot here.
02:58And after that, no one dared to set foot here.
03:01But I believe that,
03:04even then,
03:07if we had been united, we would have been safe.
03:10We were not united.
03:13Different people ruled over us.
03:16Different people ruled over us.
03:19Because we were united.
03:22Today, after the battle of Panipat in India,
03:25we have to learn this.
03:28We have to forget the differences of caste, religion and language.
03:31We are united.
03:34We are united.
03:37Who is the enemy of the country?
03:40If we move forward together,
03:43If we move forward together,
03:46then we will be able to achieve the dream
03:49that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given of a developed India.
03:52that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given of a developed India.
03:55that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given of a developed India.
03:58But, once again,
04:01if we, with evil intentions,
04:04if we, with evil intentions,
04:07want to destroy the people,
04:10want to destroy the people,
04:13if we lose all these intentions
04:16if we lose all these intentions,
04:19then we will lose in the war
04:22and our country will be destroyed.
04:25We have seen the dream
04:28of a developed India,
04:31in which we have seen Pakistan
04:34in which we have seen Pakistan
04:37and Kashmir.
04:40This is our dream, which we have to achieve.
04:43But, to achieve it, we all have to unite.
04:46That is why,
04:49this is the message of unity.
04:52This is the message of bravery.
04:55In a society where there is no bravery,
04:58slavery is tolerated.
05:01This is the message of unity.
05:04This is the message of unity.
05:07This is the message of unity.
