• 2 months ago


00:30Khuti police is continuously investigating against Aved Apeem's farm
00:37Four people have been arrested in Mooroo police station, one in Saiko police station, one in Marangada police station and one in Anki police station
00:51Apeem's destruction is being investigated and further investigations will continue
00:56Even though the police is investigating against Aved Apeem, the police is still arresting him
01:00Is the investigation not getting any effect?
01:02The police is continuously investigating against Aved Apeem
01:06Despite that, the public is investigating in some places
01:10But in some places, the police is not getting any effect
01:12The police is using its resources to investigate and arrest Aved Apeem
01:22What kind of support have you received from the Chief and the village head?
01:25The Chief and the village head are being investigated in various places
01:29A meeting was held yesterday
01:31They are being asked to investigate in various places
01:37They are trying their best to investigate
01:42Are all these people arrested from the farm?
01:46There are three police stations
01:48One in Anki, Marangada and Mooroo
01:50Apeem's farm is also under arrest
01:53In Saikho police station, there are three cases on Shirkha Pahan
01:58This is a case on Doda
02:00He is also under arrest
