• 2 months ago
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ ফার্মাসিউটিক্যালসের এলআর স্যালাইনের উপর ‘নিষেধাজ্ঞা’ জারি করেছিল কর্ণাটক সরকার ৷ অথচ পশ্চিমবঙ্গে তারই রমরমা ব্যবহার হয়েছে ৷ স্বাস্থ্য দফতরকে কাঠগড়ায় তুললেন চিকিৎসকরা ।


00:00We feel that the public life of West Bengal, i.e. public health, is not in the hands of
00:09the government and the Minister of Health.
00:13Just like a blacklisted saline was used to kill Prashuti Ma, I don't know how many more
00:23such incidents have happened in the state.
00:28We are saying that the death of Prashuti Ma at North Bengal Medical College should be
00:36In that case, the use of RL saline should be investigated.
00:44Even if her family is not able to speak at this time, her family members should be made
00:55We want to say that those who have been given RL saline even after being blacklisted,
01:04they should be arrested immediately.
01:08We have been hearing for the past few months that the interns, PGTs and house staff are
01:15saying that the fluid that is being used in the hospital is causing a reaction.
01:23If you go to North Bengal Medical College, you will see that the RL saline of West Bengal
01:28Pharmaceuticals was given the day before yesterday.
01:31Today, I have heard that the fluid that is being used in the hospital is causing a reaction.
01:40We feel that the West Bengal Pharmaceuticals are involved in a drug cartel.
01:48We feel that the West Bengal Pharmaceuticals are involved in a drug cartel.
01:53We feel that the West Bengal Pharmaceuticals are involved in a drug cartel.
01:58We feel that the West Bengal Pharmaceuticals are involved in a drug cartel.
02:03We feel that the West Bengal Pharmaceuticals are involved in a drug cartel.
02:08We feel that the West Bengal Pharmaceuticals are involved in a drug cartel.
02:13Many people have died because of this.
02:17It's not that the public health authorities are not doing anything.
02:21It's the people who die that we are talking about.
02:25It's the people who die that we are talking about.
02:29Many people have died because of this.
02:32It's not that the public health authorities are not doing anything.
02:35On 27th January, the verdict was given that this drug would not be allowed.
02:4011, 12, 13, that drug is being used as much as possible.
02:44So, there is a need for maximum self-determination.
02:46I believe that at that time, even before that,
02:48people died in such a situation.
02:50They did it at that time.
02:51But at that time, there was a discussion.
02:53But you don't take a step.
02:54The one who has been kept for you,
02:56you have to take that responsibility.
02:58So, if that responsibility is not taken,
03:00then the death of a person,
03:01today, I mean, no one will have any responsibility.
03:03The death of a person will continue,
03:05and we will die like that.
