• 2 months ago
लखनऊ के नवाबों ने पतंगबाजी से गरबा परवरी की की थी, अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ विरोध का प्रतीक भी बना था पतंग


00:00The Nawabs of India not only raised the poor, but also promoted the art of kites in their time.
00:16This is the reason why kites are now used in different events, whether it is Diwali, Makar Sankranti, Pongal or Lohri.
00:30This special festival is celebrated through kites and the message is given that this art belongs to Lucknow.
00:41Not only the people of Lucknow, but people from all over the country celebrate Makar Sankranti by flying kites in different places.
00:51We have spoken to some of the kite flyers in Lucknow and tried to find out how deep the roots of this art are.
00:59It is a passion, it is a passion, it is a passion of a kite.
01:03It is a passion, so the kids and the kids love to fly it.
01:08It is a lot of brain, it is a lot of brain to fly a kite.
01:11Which tree to cut, which tree to cut, all this is a game of creativity.
01:17Brother, the first festival here was the festival of Jangat on the second day of Diwali.
01:22Kites used to fly a lot in that, but now there is a lot of craze for Makar Sankranti.
01:26Now kids, old people, everyone comes to Makar Sankranti and asks for a kite.
01:30Do you also like it?
01:32Yes, I have done business while enjoying it.
01:35So you make a business and ask for a kite.
01:39When I was a child, I used to buy kites from pocket money and fly them.
01:45While flying, responsibilities increased and I thought it was only right to do kite business.
01:51Where do you sell kites?
01:53I sell kites in all the small districts near Lucknow.
01:58Is there a tournament?
02:01Yes, there is a tournament.
02:03It is going to be held in Lucknow in March.
02:08The place will be decided, I will tell you.
02:11Is it also called Kankaua?
02:14Yes, in the old days it was called Kankaua, now it is called Pawna.
02:19Smaller kites are called Addi.
02:21What are the prices of these kites?
02:25There is a plastic kite for kids, it costs from Rs.1 to Rs.5.
02:34After that, there is a big kite for Rs.15 to Rs.16, Rs.17, Rs.18.
02:39No one is selling it in Lucknow.
02:43Wherever we get information about this, we are opposing it.
02:49Wherever I get information, I immediately try to complain to the police.
02:56When I was a child, I had a problem with my hand.
02:59The doctor told me to buy kites.
03:01I used to fly kites, but I didn't have any interest in flying kites.
03:06At that age, I lost interest in flying kites.
03:10Do you have any interest in flying kites?
03:12No, I don't fly kites anymore.
03:14I don't go to the ground anymore.
03:16There is a lot of chaos.
03:18I started flying kites when I was 12 years old.
03:21I am still flying kites.
03:23I go to the ground, I don't fight with the roof.
03:26I still go to the ground.
03:28I go for fitness.
03:30The biggest thing is that you get fitness through flying kites.
03:38You go to open places.
03:40The air around you changes.
03:42You have blood pressure.
03:44You have spondylitis.
03:46This disease never happens to those who fly kites.
03:51What availability did you get in 75 years?
03:54In 75 years, I have been able to fly kites.
03:57Through my club, I have won 8 India Halls.
04:01I have won 8 local tournaments.
04:03I have won kites in 25-30 cities across India.
04:09I have made connections with people.
04:11I have achieved this.
04:13How did you see the era of flying kites?
04:15I saw that the era of flying kites changes with every game.
04:19Now the era of flying kites has come in a different way.
04:21It has become fast.
04:23In our time, flying kites used to fly far away.
04:27There used to be big grounds.
04:29Now the grounds have become small.
04:31There is a craze for flying kites.
04:33There is a craze for flying kites.
04:35This era has changed.
04:37What is the relationship with Lucknow?
04:39Lucknow is a university.
04:41Lucknow has taught the best players of the world how to fly kites.
04:51They have taught them how to fly kites.
04:53They have taught them how to fly kites.
04:55This is what people have learned from the players here.
04:59How did the Nawabs start flying kites?
05:01There was a drought here in Lucknow.
05:05During that drought, the Nawab became a big imam.
05:09People were very selfish at that time.
05:11They did not take money from anyone.
05:13So they came up with a plan.
05:15The Nawabs and the officials of the city
05:23formed two teams.
05:25They were asked to fly kites from their homes and offices.
05:31When the kites were flying,
05:33people used to put silver coins on the kites.
05:35People used to put silver coins on the kites.
05:37People used to put silver coins on the kites.
05:39Whoever found a kited kite,
05:41he or she would get silver coins.
05:43After selling the coins,
05:45they would get lentils, rice, and wheat.
05:47No one would be in need of any favor.
05:49This was their plan.
05:51They succeeded in their plan.
05:53What about the British?
05:55During the British rule,
05:57people started protesting over kites.
06:01People started protesting.
06:03People started protesting.
06:05People started saying,
06:07let go of India.
06:09If British people came to Viceroy,
06:11they would cut the kite and fly it.
06:13They would say,
06:15let go of India.
06:17Let India be free.
06:19These were the slogans that were used to fly the kites.
06:21This festival is also celebrated during festivals and festivals of the year.
06:25Was it celebrated earlier or is it still celebrated?
06:27It is celebrated during Makar Sankranti.
06:29Makar Sankranti, as I just told you,
06:33the sun comes in Makar Rashi,
06:36and this period is very auspicious
06:39because it is the time for winter to pass
06:42and the hot season begins.
06:45So here, charity is very important.
06:48That is why all the festivals of the year are celebrated during this period.
06:52So you donate all kinds of things,
06:54you donate food, you donate water,
06:56you donate things,
06:58like you donated clothes, you donated blankets,
07:00so what did you donate to the sky?
07:03So the kite comes in the sky as a donation.
07:06Through this, you express your wishes,
07:09you make a resolution in your mind,
07:11you fly the kite, you break it,
07:13you cut it with a knife,
07:15then your wish is fulfilled.
07:17There is a special craze of kite-flying
07:20on Makar Sankranti, Pongal and Lahori,
07:23and this craze has been going on for years.
07:26In the time of Nawabs, people used to love kite-flying,
07:29and gold and silver coins used to be attached to the kites,
07:33its tail used to be tied with a silver wire,
07:37and when the kite was cut, people used to run towards it.
07:41It is said that the poor people of that time
07:44used to make ends meet with kite-flying.
07:47Those ways are no more,
07:49but the era of kite-flying is still going on.
07:52Kite-flying is now going through a period of defamation,
07:56and this is very disturbing for kite-flyers
07:59that the Chinese kites are cutting people's necks,
08:04and are proving dangerous for birds and animals.
08:08The kite-flying organization, the best kite-flying players
08:11are now appealing
08:13that people should not use Chinese kites.
08:16If anyone in your house is doing it,
08:18then you should stop it,
08:20because innocent people,
08:22tongueless birds,
08:24and tongueless animals
08:26are being harmed.
08:28ETV Bharat is also appealing to you
08:30that if anyone in your house
08:32is using Chinese kites,
08:34then you should stop it.
08:36For ETV Bharat, from Lucknow, Khursheed Ahmed.
