• 2 months ago


00:00Friends, as all of you veterans understand, in 1965, the Indian-Pakistan war took place.
00:11And 60 years have passed since then.
00:14This is a diamond jubilee year.
00:19In this same year, in 1965, a very important battle took place.
00:24The Pakistani army, in the name of Operation Grand Islam,
00:28made a great effort in this battle.
00:31Not only did the Indian army fail,
00:35but they also succeeded in opening up a new front and advancing to Lahore.
00:41And in the battle of 1965, the victory in the battlefield
00:46was the result of the hard work, effort, and sacrifice of the Indian army.
00:52If you look at history,
00:55Pakistan has lost in every war since India.
00:59Whether it was the Kawaili attack in 1948,
01:03or the war of 1965,
01:06or the war of 1971,
01:09or the Kargil war of 1999,
01:13Pakistan has had to face defeat in every battle.
01:17Our neighbors have been watching us since 1965.
01:27They have been hoping that the Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir
01:32will stand with the Pak army.
01:35But their wish has not been fulfilled,
01:38and it will never be fulfilled.
01:41I can say this with complete confidence.
01:45Because you must have seen,
01:47neither did the people of Pakistan support Pakistan in 1965,
01:51nor did they support terrorism in this era.
01:54In fact, while fighting terrorism, many of our Muslim brothers also gave their blessings.
01:59I can't forget Muhammad Usman either.
02:02There were such Muslims and Chailis before,
02:05who had given their blessings for the security of the nation's borders.
02:08Pakistan is doing its best to destabilize India.
02:14Despite this, Pakistan has not yet joined the ranks of terrorism.
02:19Even today, more than 80 percent of terrorists come to India from Pakistan.
02:24Terrorism from across the border would have ended in 1965.
02:29If the government had not changed many of the strategic advances
02:36on the king's table into strategic advantages.
02:41We would have got strategic advances,
02:44but we could not change them into strategic advantages on the king's table.
02:50This is not an accusation.
02:52Whatever happened, they must have been thinking about it at that time.
02:56I don't want to discuss it here.
02:58Friends, in the war of 1965,
03:01the Indian army was successful in defeating Haji Peer at Tirungala.
03:06But it was left on the king's table.
03:09If it had not happened,
03:11then maybe the terrorists would have been trapped at that time.
03:16I believe so.
03:18We started this with Jammu and Kashmir,
03:20ending with Article 370.
03:24Today, the situation has changed to a large extent here.
03:27Everyone will have to accept this truth.
03:30Jammu and Kashmir, without POK,
03:33is the crown jewel of India.
03:36Anyway, POK is nothing more than a foreign territory for Pakistan.
03:42The people living in POK are being deprived of a dignified life.
03:47They are being forced to revolt against India in the name of religion.
03:53They are being equalized by the rulers of Pakistan.
03:57Recently, the illegal PM of POK,
04:00Prime Minister Anwar-ud-Haq,
04:02who has raised his voice against India,
04:05is a part of Pakistan's crown jewel.
04:08The PM of POK, Anwar-ud-Haq,
04:11who is speaking today,
04:13is the same anti-India agenda that the rulers of Pakistan
04:17have been running since the era of General Jawadul Haq.
04:21The land of POK is being used to run a dangerous terrorist operation.
04:27I want to say this openly today.
04:29Even today, a training camp is being run for terrorists there.
04:33The Iraqis who have been cut off from the border,
04:36the launchpad is being made.
04:38This is a solid piece of information.
04:40The Indian government knows everything.
04:42Pakistan will have to destroy them,
04:46otherwise, dot, dot, dot.
