• 2 months ago
बैकुंठपुर नगरपालिका के कुछ वार्डों में हाईटेंशन तार परेशानी का सबब बन गए हैं.


00:00WhErE Do YoU ThInk YoU'Ll FiNd YoUr sEeRiOus LiKe?
00:30We are scared of the noise. We are afraid that we might catch a snake.
00:33We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid that we might catch a snake.
00:36We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:39We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:42We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:45We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:48We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:51We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:54We are afraid of the noise. We are afraid of the noise.
00:57As far as I can see, the situation has not changed at all.
01:00The first thing is that it has happened.
01:03The second thing is that the population has increased.
01:06The administration should look at these pillars.
01:09As the population increases, these pillars should be fixed at other places.
01:12Many times, the people of our locality, our residents,
01:15went to collect money for these things and were given.
01:18The entire public area is full of people.
01:21It's not like it's an empty area.
01:24It could be a big disaster like it has happened before.
01:27Some people lost their electricity because of the current.
01:30Some people lost their electricity because of the current.
01:33But our electricity department is not taking any action.
01:36The matter of fixing is that we have a parallel line.
01:39If it has to be done on the other side,
01:42then we have to give a system charge.
01:45Wherever there is a demand for it, we take it from the government.
01:48Wherever there is a demand for it, we take it from the government.
01:51Wherever there is a demand for it, we take it from the government.
01:54We have to give a system charge for it.
01:57And if the consumer has to fix it,
02:00then he gives the same clearance for the route.
02:03And if the consumer has to fix it, then he gives the same clearance for the route.
02:06After that, the fixing is done.
