• 2 months ago
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 121 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 121 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 122 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 123 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 121 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 121 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 121 Completo HD
00:00I love you, I love you, I love you.
00:03Look, but I can't stay here and see how you make a life with Antonio.
00:07Don't ask me that, please. Let's go together.
00:10I need to talk to Gloria and Aquiles.
00:12Well, there's something else.
00:15They entered Yesabel's office and found a paper, apparently a Mexican recipe.
00:21A recipe? What recipe?
00:23I don't know.
00:25But they didn't take my importance and they burned it.
00:29But I'm thinking about the same thing.
00:34The police found the place where Pintas was hiding, but they couldn't catch him.
00:40I guess it's all connected, I don't know.
00:43And you think Yesabel has something to do with it?
00:49I know in my head that Yesabel is guilty of what happened to you in Las Flores.
00:56When Fabrizio told me, I had a lot of doubts.
00:59Of course I didn't believe him.
01:02But now I think it could be true.
01:05This is not going to stay that way.
01:07Adana, we have proof.
01:10If you confront him, he will deny everything.
01:14We have to wait.
01:16I have another suspicion and it has to do with Juventino Macias.
01:23What? Yes, yes.
01:24I just need to clarify, put my ideas in order.
01:32It's good that you accompanied me back, Miss Elena.
01:35And I hope you didn't realize that I left because if not, well ...
01:38Oh no, don't worry, Mrs. Esperanza.
01:41Any problem you have with the president of this company, leave it to me.
01:46I feel stronger than ever.
01:48This is very good.
01:51I know you've already left.
01:55Are you okay?
01:57I'm dizzy from the pregnancy.
01:58I'm going for alcohol.
01:59Honey, are you okay?
02:02Sorry if you're okay.
02:03I didn't want to bother you.
02:04It was the habit.
02:06It was the habit, huh?
02:09Well, I'm getting used to it and I'll never see you again.
02:12Forget that I exist, Angel.
02:14It's okay, Adana.
02:15It's up to you.
02:17Are you okay?
02:18I'm a little dizzy.
02:19Let's go to my office.
02:20Are you sure?
02:21Let's go.
02:23I'll be helping you.
02:37I really don't remember any musical box.
02:42Well, besides that gift I brought you, I also brought you ...
02:48A chocolate for you.
02:50Maybe with a little sugar.
02:52You remember, right?
02:53Thank you very much.
02:54You're welcome.
03:00I'm going to ask you a very big favor, honey.
03:03Don't open it.
03:05Before eating, don't drink.
03:08Come on.
03:10Hey, ma'am.
03:12You're going to excuse me.
03:14Rolas is very careful.
03:16And I can't allow him to receive any gift.
03:20Wait for Mrs. Maggie to come and talk to me.
03:23I don't think it's necessary, ma'am.
03:25I just came to leave the gift to the child.
03:28Shut up.
03:31Let me talk to the child for two minutes.
03:34Answer me about the box and I'm leaving.
03:43What's on your face, Demian?
03:47Oh, no, it can't be.
03:50You two fought, right?
03:53That's why you have those bruises.
03:55Elena, look at me.
03:56No, no, no, no.
03:57I don't care.
03:58I don't want you to tell me.
04:00You two are the same.
04:02And I finally realize that.
04:05Neither of you deserves my tears or my love.
04:10And I don't deserve a couple of immature people.
04:14Do you know how I feel for wasting my time looking for happiness with some of you?
04:19But no one knew how to value me or understand me as a woman.
04:23And yes, Angel.
04:25Maybe I failed at not believing you that Demian manipulated those videos.
04:31I can't keep living like this, Demian.
04:33Between two men who all they want is to manipulate me with promises of love.
04:44The only thing they care about is their own benefit.
04:48They deserve each other.
04:51And if they want to kill each other so much, go ahead.
04:54But don't get any closer to me.
05:04I hope all this is resolved before I leave.
05:07And if it's something more immediate, I'll let you know.
05:11Excuse me.
05:12Excuse me.
05:16Sorry for the interruption.
05:18Dad, I'm going to the agency.
05:19Are you going to stay here?
05:20No, honey, I'll go with you.
05:22I have some things to do.
05:24Me too.
05:25Honey, don't complain about anything.
05:27You know why you're going to put her on the alert.
05:30I'd like you and I to talk to Achilles, to Glorio.
05:33We know what we're going to do.
05:35See you later.
05:36Let's talk.
05:39Excuse me.
05:41See you later.
05:44Don't go.
05:47Can we talk?
06:00So, what do you need me for?
06:03For me to tell you that your sister is a harpy?
06:05For me to give you Antonio like he did at our wedding?
06:08To make you cry like we were friends while I die of love for you and you marry Antonio?
06:14No, what is this?
06:16If that's what you want from me, I think I've been a fool to cling to this love.
06:22I definitely understand that you don't deserve me to love you this way.
06:29You hurt me, Julio.
06:31And what do you think?
06:32That you're not hurting me?
06:34You don't care about my feelings?
06:36You don't care about my feelings?
06:38And if I leave Mexico, it's not because I'm a coward.
06:41The only way I can keep living is by tearing this love I have in my heart and taking it out forever.
06:50You're wrong, Julio Cesar, because I never played with you.
06:56And if I'm giving myself the opportunity with Antonio, it's because I have the right to be happy.
07:02And I don't want anyone to judge me for what I feel.
07:07No, it's not true.
07:09You gave yourself the opportunity because you need to close that series of the past.
07:15But you don't realize the damage you're doing to me.
07:18No, I'm not hurting you.
07:21So if that's true, let's go.
07:24Let's go right now.
07:25Forget everything.
07:27Come with me.
07:28Far away.
07:29Where we can rewrite our story together.
07:32Let's go.
07:33Far away from the old stories.
07:35Let's be happy alone.
07:37You and me.
07:39Let's leave the past behind.
07:41Julio, I...
07:43I love you, I love you, I love you.
07:46Look, but I can't stay here watching you make a life with Antonio.
07:49Don't ask me that, please.
07:51Let's go together.
07:56I think if I don't remember, give it to me.
07:58Give me a box.
08:00I already remembered.
08:01I already remembered.
08:02That box was given to us by Aquiles.
08:05Look, Aquiles.
08:06Sarita loved the music.
08:08Yes, I knew perfectly well that she was going to love it.
08:13But the box didn't work well and I gave it to Anita.
08:17So that you cheer up with your music.
08:20That's when we fell and everything broke.
08:27Can I take the box to fix it?
08:29Aquiles fixed it.
08:31But I think my mom threw it in the trash.
08:35Hey, hey, listen to me.
08:37And did you bring anything inside?
08:39Yes, a USB with horror things.
08:44I think.
08:46Hey, and did anyone see what was in that USB?
08:51You, your mom, Aquiles, Glorio.
08:57You know what, ladies?
08:59You'd better get there, okay?
09:01No, no one saw anyone.
09:04Well, maybe Mrs. Patricia, the first actress.
09:09Yes, she took it.
09:10She told me she had a virus and then she gave me another one.
09:16Hey, ma'am.
09:17Could you give me another chocolate?
09:20Oh, of course.
09:25You're a very good boy, Rolas.
09:26Look, I'll help you open it.
09:29Excuse me.
09:31Excuse me.
09:33Excuse me.
09:35Give me my chocolate.
09:38Mrs. Yesabel, I want to tell you that we took the music box
09:42because I thought you were to blame for killing my friend Carlos.
09:47But I want you to know that I realized it was a mistake,
09:49that you are not responsible.
09:52Of course not.
09:54If everyone is responsible for their own actions.
09:58Of course.
10:00He thinks I look stupid.
10:03That whole group of idiots will end up just like Carlos.
10:25But she's going to be my wife.
10:27What part of that you don't understand?
10:29She loves me, she's in love.
10:31No, no, no, no, I can't, I can't.
10:33And I ask you to understand me, please.
10:35Why not?
10:37You don't love Antonio.
10:39You're in love with just a memory.
10:43You love me, it's me.
10:47You're also going to tell me what I feel.
10:50Because everyone feels they have the right to speak of my feelings.
10:54And no one, absolutely no one knows what's going on in my heart.
10:59Forgive me, I'm not venturing to speak for you, no.
11:03But I can't give up when I feel you still love me.
11:07You're asking me to leave everything.
11:10And here's my life.
11:13Look, I married you.
11:15I married you.
11:19I practically made my life yours.
11:21And what I'm asking you is for us to live a life together.
11:24Alone. You and me, far away.
11:27I can't lose you.
11:29I can't lose you.
11:31You're a man too special for me.
11:35You would do so much for me.
11:38But I can't go with you.
11:42I can't anymore.
11:44What do I do? Tell me, what do I do with this love? What do I do?
12:08My God, what do I do?
12:11I can't take this anymore.
12:15I can't take this anymore.
12:18Thank you for coming with me, dad.
12:21I needed to ask Tania to answer all the emails from Angel Park today.
12:30What's wrong?
12:33Well, yes, I forgot to tell Aurora something.
12:36What's wrong? Are you okay with her?
12:38I don't know. I don't know.
12:40When I told her I wanted to get married, she didn't react well.
12:45I think you're right.
12:47It's the second time you ask her to marry you and the first time it didn't end well.
12:52I think it's normal for her to feel that way.
12:54Well, maybe.
12:55Or maybe she's not really in love with me.
12:58Not like she was when we were teenagers.
13:01Or well, young.
13:02Maybe it's time to let her go.
13:05To live my life.
13:06And to admit that I had to give up.
13:08Let's see, dad, you're not getting carried away by jealousy.
13:10No, of course not.
13:11Were you worried that she would end up talking to Julio Cesar?
13:14No, no, I'm just more worried about her reaction to the idea that Julio Cesar is leaving Mexico.
13:19What did you tell her, Aurora?
13:20What did I tell her?
13:21That Julio is just leaving you.
13:23You don't have to announce it.
13:25I'm leaving.
13:26You're leaving, period.
13:28Why are you telling me that?
13:30And you're the one who hasn't stopped pressuring her.
13:34Even when she was with me.
13:35You can say whatever you want.
13:37But she's going to be my wife.
13:39What part of what you don't understand?
13:40She loves me, she's in love with me.
13:42She loves you, she doesn't love you.
13:43What you're looking for is an excuse to stay.
13:45So look for it elsewhere.
13:47Let's see, mature.
13:48For the love of God, stop behaving like two teenagers.
13:51Come on, dad, stop fighting with Antonio.
13:54Let's go.
14:02I've been craving chocolate for a while.
14:05Me too.
14:07It's like medicine for a broken heart, isn't it?
14:16You were crying one afternoon, weren't you?
14:21I'm going to bed.
14:22You're going to bed?
14:23Because I'm leaving?
14:27Yes, but it's more than that.
14:31I'm feeling like my heart is breaking in two equal parts,
14:34and I can't make a decision.
14:37In one half is Antonio.
14:39We've loved each other since we were young.
14:43He gave you back to me.
14:46And look at how he's made an effort to redeem the mistakes he made in the past.
14:52In the other half, there's my present.
14:57There's Julio.
15:00I love him.
15:02And he's supported me.
15:04He's always been there for me, proving that he loves me.
15:08Look, mother.
15:10I know what you feel for them may seem the same,
15:13but maybe you love one of them as a partner,
15:17and the other one as a friend.
15:19That's the problem, son.
15:21I love them both so much.
15:24And I've been happy with each one of them.
15:28I'm not sure where friendship starts,
15:31and where love starts.
15:34It's hard to make a decision when your feelings grow so much.
15:40It feels like you're going to explode.
15:42Maybe so, yes.
15:43But I'm very sure that deep down, you have the answer.
15:48You just have to listen carefully,
15:50without worrying about what others may think.
15:52Mother, it's your love,
15:55your heart, to give it to whoever you want.
16:03Edgar should be here soon.
16:07I'm not here to see Edgar.
16:10I came because Isabel Campero asked me to talk about business.
16:14That stupid woman couldn't come.
16:16I don't understand how a woman like you
16:19is doing business with a woman like Isabel or Pintas.
16:25I'm a private investigator.
16:29My job is always related to all kinds of people.
16:33You know what I mean.
16:35You're not here doing an investigation.
16:38You're here because you're looking for something else.
16:41According to Edgar, you're still in love with Antonio Murrieta.
16:44It's not a whim.
16:48Antonio is everything to me.
16:50Since he left me,
16:53my life has no meaning.
16:56I know you can't understand why.
16:58Why me?
16:59Do you think I haven't suffered because of love?
17:04There was a moment when a woman left us.
17:07She had to risk everything for the love of her life.
17:12I risked it with Antonio.
17:14And I wasn't afraid to get hurt.
17:17Because I thought I could beat Aurora's ghost.
17:23But it wasn't like that.
17:25That woman took everything from me.
17:28I lost my job.
17:30I lost my friends.
17:33My family.
17:35My reputation as an investigator.
17:39I'm talking to everyone.
17:42The only way to recover what was lost
17:47is to get rid of the ghosts.
17:51Antonio is like the air I breathe.
17:56And I'm going to do everything to get him back to me.
18:08This hand.
18:11This damn hand.
18:18You're not going to defeat me.
18:21Not even this is stronger than me.
19:04I'm going to find out what you're hiding, Isabel.
19:07This time,
19:09I'm sure you're to blame for my misfortune.
19:12You know what I think about your relationship with Aurora, Dad.
19:15But I'm not going to tell you anymore.
19:17Yes, I know.
19:18And I'm sorry you're involved in all this.
19:22What worries me the most right now
19:24is that Pintas is loose.
19:26Did you tell Aurora?
19:27I don't know what to do.
19:29I'm worried about leaving Aurora alone
19:31without being caught by that bastard.
19:34You know I'm the first one who wanted to leave a long time ago.
19:38But this time I don't want to run away.
19:41If you do it for me, I ask you to stay, Dad.
19:44Let's find out who kidnapped me.
19:46Let's take it to justice, both of us.
19:49But if you do it for Aurora...
19:52First of all, please.
19:53We're leaving Mexico.
19:54I don't want to see Aurora ever again.
20:05I understand your pain more than you can imagine.
20:10But I also carry with me very great sorrows
20:14of a love that I have hidden all my life.
20:19But yours is not love, Elvira.
20:22It's obsession.
20:24Love is obsession.
20:26It's surrender.
20:27It's fighting.
20:28It's giving everything for the person you love.
20:31What's wrong with being obsessed?
20:34For me, this is love.
20:37Well, everyone...
20:40The only motherly love I knew was Tete's.
20:47I had nothing in life until she rescued me.
20:53And that's why I swore I would always be by Edgar's side.
20:59But I never thought it would be so difficult.
21:05I've been in love with Edgar since I met him.
21:11I was just a teenager when I escaped the bad life my stepfather gave me.
21:18And here I found refuge.
21:22But soon I realized that women like me don't have the right to love.
21:28Or to form a family.
21:32And I never...
21:35I never dared to say out loud
21:38that I love Edgar.
21:41And you, at least, have enjoyed the love of the man you love.
21:46But I've had to love him in silence.
21:50And you know why?
21:53Because for both Tete and Edgar...
21:59I'm here to fulfill the desires of men.
22:04And yet,
22:06despite knowing he'll never love me,
22:08I'd be willing to give my life for him.
22:14I think it's a good idea, Dad.
22:16If Aurora doesn't love you anymore,
22:18we'd better pack our bags.
22:21It's going to hurt me to leave Mané and my friends,
22:24but family comes first.
22:26So we don't have to wait any longer, Dad.
22:28Aurora doesn't love me anymore.
22:30And maybe she never loved me.
22:32She only saw me as a friend
22:33with whom she could vent her pain, her past.
22:37Someone who understood her son's loss.
22:40No, no.
22:42Come on, Dad.
22:44Dad, stop your car.
22:46You're already making up ideas in your head
22:48because you're hurt.
22:50Aurora did love you.
22:52She loved you.
22:54And maybe she still loves you.
22:56If I tell you to leave,
22:58it's because we have to keep our distance.
23:00Let time pass.
23:01Let time heal everything, Dad.
23:05Why did you tell Antonio
23:07that we're leaving Mexico?
23:09I didn't think about it.
23:11It was just an unimportant conversation
23:13and the topic came up, Dad.
23:15That's why Antonio accelerated his idea
23:18of marrying Aurora.
23:20No, Dad.
23:22That's because he's afraid.
23:28He's afraid that Aurora will see
23:29who she really loves.
23:31It could be him.
23:35it could be you.
23:38Son, you want to give me hope,
23:40but the reality is
23:42that what happened between her and me
23:44is over.
23:46So, please, let's not talk about it anymore.
23:48Do you want to...
23:52What is it?
23:54I have to tell you something,
23:56but I don't want you to get mad.
23:57I told you everything
23:59when I told the public.
24:01It's just that...
24:05I'm sorry, Dad.
24:07I saw you so sad and overwhelmed
24:09that I didn't want to bother you anymore.
24:11But I had to tell someone
24:13and I ended up telling Antonio.
24:15What is it about?
24:17When the kidnappers
24:19were going to let me go,
24:21they told me that everything
24:23had been a joke,
24:25but that I had to be careful
24:27with what I said.
24:29How could you hide that from me?
24:31That information is key.
24:33They said that?
24:35A joke?
24:41The joke was a joke.
24:48I need you to come with me
24:50because I want you to come with me.
24:53I guess you don't need me to come with you.
24:57Yes, Aurora.
24:59We're going to have dinner.
25:01I'm telling my son
25:03that he needs me more than ever
25:05because our family is a mess.
25:09You're absolutely right, Yesabel.
25:11What are we doing?
25:17Look at our lives.
25:19Look at our children.
25:21How are they?
25:23I'm asking you to please
25:25stop arguing
25:27and stop fighting.
25:34I'm going to find out
25:36what you're hiding, Yesabel.
25:38This time
25:40I'm sure you're the culprit
25:42of my misfortune.
25:47I owe you an apology.
25:49We shouldn't have fought like this.
25:52Angel, I'm going to ask you
25:54a very big favor.
25:55I beg you
25:57to do everything you can
25:59to get close to your aunt.
26:01Things can't be like this.
26:03Yesabel, do you agree
26:05that things can't be like this?
26:07Yesterday, I received an invitation
26:09from the Fiesta Regional de las Flores.
26:11Corporativo Campero
26:13is the invited company.
26:19We have to go together.
26:21Why don't you go with your new family?
26:22I think that
26:24Pascual, Anita, your son
26:26will love to remember
26:29the neighborhood
26:31at a regional fair.
26:33Why don't you rent a truck
26:35and take the whole neighborhood?
26:37They'd be in their habitat.
26:40Tell us the truth.
26:42You don't need us.
26:44This doesn't exist anymore.
26:46You changed us for these people.
26:48You're right.
26:50You're right.
26:52We're not ready.
26:54I think we've all been very tense.
26:57And Demian,
26:59you and I have a lot to talk about.
27:02I have to go.
27:04No, no.
27:06We're going to listen to you.
27:08And I want you to listen to me.
27:10For me, it's very important
27:12that we're together at this event.
27:16It was Pintas, wasn't it, Yesabel?
27:18The person who yelled at me
27:20outside the corporation that time?
27:25Look, I don't know what you're up to,
27:27but we'll talk later, okay?
27:29We're in a hurry.
27:31Let's go, honey.
27:40Mom, I have to go.
27:42I'm going with Brenna.
27:46Pintas worked at the Flower House
27:48and every time I saw him,
27:50he was with you, Yesabel.
27:54Mom, are you okay?
27:57Mom, why did you switch with Yesabel?
28:00It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
28:02It's perfect.
28:23Help Demian with the videos.
28:25Ángel never lied to you.
28:31You're going to hurt him.
28:33Ángel, I'm very nervous.
28:35If it were good news,
28:37they would have told me over the phone.
28:41Let's hope everything will be fine.
28:43What if the studies confirm
28:45that I have something serious?
28:47The doctor will tell us what to do
28:49and we'll do what's necessary.
28:52I need you very much, Ángel.
28:54More than ever,
28:56I need you to be by my side, please.
29:00Of course.
29:02Don't forget our commitment, Ángel.
29:06Don't leave me, please.
29:08Because I can't be without you.
29:10Of course not.
29:12I'm not going to leave you.
29:14I'm going to be with you.
29:19Doctor, what happened?
29:21Do you have the results?
29:23Yes, Briana.
29:25There's no easy way to tell you.
29:27The results of the tests
29:29are consistent with a cancer diagnosis.
29:48Hey, Rolita.
29:50By any chance,
29:52do you know if Mrs. Patricia
29:54opened the folder on the USB?
29:56How many times do you want me to tell you?
30:01Why don't you tell me?
30:03No, no, no.
30:05Rolita, I believe you.
30:07I swear.
30:09I just want to confirm.
30:11Don't let me down, please.
30:13Yes, here it is.
30:19I'm sure it's something big
30:21and we'll probably never know.
30:23Because if Mrs. Patricia
30:25gave it to Gisabel,
30:27they erased everything.
30:29I don't think that woman
30:31is investigating so much.
30:35I also think that Mrs. Patricia
30:37gave the USB to Mrs. Gisabel.
30:39No, I'm not so sure.
30:41If Mrs. Patricia
30:43already saw what's in the folder,
30:45she's going to want to take advantage of it.
30:49why don't you go out and play for a while?
30:52Patricia is always looking
30:54for ways to take advantage of things.
30:58so you think what's in there is
31:00some confession or what?
31:02And how are we going to get the USB back?
31:04I don't know.
31:06But if we have to do something,
31:08we have to do it.
31:26They took more blood samples.
31:29The doctor told me I have to wait.
31:32And then they're going to do
31:34a bone marrow biopsy.
31:37Are you okay?
31:41Knowing that you're by my side
31:43gives me a lot of strength, Angel,
31:45to face all this.
31:47Give me a lot.
31:51I don't want you to suffer like my mom.
31:54And the best thing is that everyone knows the truth.
31:57No, no, Angel.
31:59Angel, I don't want to make them suffer.
32:02I don't want anyone to know.
32:05Yes, but
32:07I can't keep quiet anymore.
32:09Life has taught me that secrets only hurt.
32:11Your dad, your mom, and
32:14above all, Elena,
32:15they have to know what's going on.
32:26What an honor.
32:28I never thought that
32:30you would like to have a drink with me, but thank you.
32:33Don't get your hopes up.
32:35We need to propose something to you.
32:37Propose something to me?
32:39Well, tell me I can't stand suspense.
32:42What would you think of me going to jail?
32:45You just have to tell us the truth.
32:48I sued Yesebel and Demian
32:50for obstructing the contractor's contracts
32:53and for falsely accusing me of tax evasion.
32:56The lawsuit does not include you.
32:58But that can be easily corrected
33:00if you don't tell us what we want to know.
33:03And what do you want to know?
33:05You helped Demian manipulate the videos of the evictions
33:09so that Angel would appear and ask for money.
33:14Help Demian with the videos.
33:16Angel never lied to you.
33:35Why are you doing this to me, Dad?
33:37Don't mess with that kid.
33:39He's mine, he's mine!
33:41Dad, don't take him from me, please!
33:48Yesebel, please help me!
33:50Dad, don't take my son from me!
33:53Yese, Yesebel didn't want to open the door.
33:56Maybe she agreed with my dad.
34:00Why did you do it, Yese?
34:02But it wasn't like that, Aurora. It was my dad.
34:05My dad forced me.
34:07And why didn't you tell me anything?
34:08Because my dad threatened me, Aurora.
34:11I didn't want to hurt you.
34:13What I wanted most in life was for your son to return to your arms.
34:18You shut up!
34:20Dad, don't touch me!
34:22It was a lie.
34:24Yesebel lied.
34:35No, no, no.
34:39No, Julia, I'm sorry, I can't.
34:41I'm sorry, Debbie.
34:43Let me take you.
34:45No, no, Debbie.
34:47I'm sorry.
34:49It's over between us.
34:51And, well, you and I are just friends.
34:54Yes, yes, yes.
34:56You and I are just friends.
35:00Why did you come?
35:01Why did you come?
35:03To talk about Yesebel.
35:08It's amazing how you can manipulate a person's life with a simple video, isn't it?
35:15Angelito is a man with too many values.
35:18Who would say that Demian and you would do that to manipulate him like a puppet?
35:22Tell us once.
35:25How did you get Angel to stay away from me?
35:28You tell me, Elena.
35:29Let's see.
35:31What do you think was the greatest weakness of your boyfriend at that time?
35:35The illness of his mother, Victoria.
35:38Angel never lied when he said everything Demian proposed to her.
35:49I find it hard to believe that my own sister has to do with what happened to me in Las Flores.
35:53And if it was Pintas, the man with whom the other cell phone was communicating?
35:57It may be.
35:59But Yesebel has been lucky on her side.
36:02She got along very well when she was in a relationship with Pintas.
36:05And she washed her hands with the disappearance of Angel.
36:08I'm going to unmask Yesebel.
36:11And I'm going to put that bastard in jail.
36:14Even if it's the last thing I do.
36:17With Pintas missing,
36:19it's very difficult to prove that Yesebel was with him.
36:23You know, she's manipulative.
36:26And the most certain thing is that she will be looking for a way to get rid of any accusation that is made to her.
36:35My sister is not going to get rid of justice this time.
36:38She helped my father take my son away from me.
36:41I'm sure of that.
36:43You know what?
36:44Luis Alberto thinks it was Yesebel who kidnapped us.
36:54No matter what happens, you are forbidden to meddle, Demian.
37:00What are you going to do?
37:04Let your mother take care of things.
37:07Even if you are afraid.
37:09Let your mother take care of things.
37:12Even if you are afraid.
37:14Better wait for me outside.
37:16I'm not afraid.
37:18I don't know anything.
37:20Well, you're going to learn how your mother gets rid of fear in the stables.