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Natalie Ward and Andrew Constance respond to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s visit on Tuesday, January 14, 2024.


00:00Time and time again the neglect of the Labor Party on local roads and on the Princess Highway.
00:11We stand here at Narra Bridge where they're spending $20 million on a walkway when the
00:15entire local road network has fallen to pieces.
00:19The Princess Highway projects that were initiated under the Liberal, Federal and State Governments
00:24have not been followed up, not delivered, and are years off in the never never when
00:29it comes to delivery.
00:30It wouldn't matter if it's an hour of bypass or another dollar bypass.
00:34And of course the local road network, particularly in Shoalhaven, is in such disrepair and hasn't
00:41even had the much promised funding delivered in terms of roadworks that it's now at a point
00:47where the community have just said enough.
00:49The point that I would make is that roads and cost of living are the number one issues
00:54facing our region at this time.
00:57We have to see the investment in the roads, we have to see the delivery in the roads.
01:01And given the record that I've delivered in terms of the Princess Highway, in terms of
01:07the key projects for the Matters Albion Park through to Batemans Bay Bridge and a lot of
01:11upgrades in between, we need to ensure that these roads are upgraded for safety purposes.
01:18The cost of doing business, courtesy of the Roads Network, has gone up massively.
01:23So we will get on and build.
01:25It's curious that Anthony Albanese would be here with the local member just before an
01:29election to make promises when for years this community has been crying out to hear from
01:35Labor about what they will actually deliver.
01:37The last time a bypass was delivered, it was under Andrew Constance and the Coalition of
01:42Australian States and Federals put together to provide over $200 million of funding for bypasses.
01:48The Milton-Aladela bypass needs to happen and the curious announcement from Labor about
01:54a piece of paper and planning is not shovels in the ground.
01:58That doesn't deliver an upgraded roadway, which we need not only in the good times when
02:02we have the summer traffic but also in emergency services.
02:06It's curious that $20 million has been committed by the Labor members when we are hearing from
02:12the local community that $20 million could be better spent on local roads with potholes,
02:18with upgrades needed, with curbside issues, $20 million goes a long way, $1 million on
02:2520 local roads is what the community tells us they want.
02:29We're committed to actual delivery.
02:31We're committed to ensuring that the community is listened to and it's not last minute announcements
02:36by a desperate government trying to cling on to announcements and not actual delivery.
02:41We want to see shovels in the ground in this community.
02:44We love this community and it's a delight to be here and visit once again.
