Upon Waking Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: When two young lesbians, struggling with personal demons, get carbon monoxide poisoning during a first date and fall into a coma, their disembodied spirits must learn to love one another and themselves to have a chance at waking up.
Starring: Vanessa Dubasso (“Legion”), Elsie Hewitt (“Dave”), Sherilyn Fenn (“Twin Peaks,” “Wild at Heart”), Sulem Calderon (“Jungle Cruise,” “Mayans M.C.”), Chris Zylka (“The Leftovers,” “The Amazing Spider-Man”), Emelia Hartford (“Gran Turismo”), Lydia Marlatt, Annie Abbott (“General Hospital,” “Bosch: Legacy”), Tilky Jones (“Shrinking”), Jannica Olin, Kahyun Kim (“American Gods,” “Cocaine Bear”), Alexa Cate, Olivia Stoppard
Directed by: Max Rissman
Starring: Vanessa Dubasso (“Legion”), Elsie Hewitt (“Dave”), Sherilyn Fenn (“Twin Peaks,” “Wild at Heart”), Sulem Calderon (“Jungle Cruise,” “Mayans M.C.”), Chris Zylka (“The Leftovers,” “The Amazing Spider-Man”), Emelia Hartford (“Gran Turismo”), Lydia Marlatt, Annie Abbott (“General Hospital,” “Bosch: Legacy”), Tilky Jones (“Shrinking”), Jannica Olin, Kahyun Kim (“American Gods,” “Cocaine Bear”), Alexa Cate, Olivia Stoppard
Directed by: Max Rissman
Short filmTranscript
00:00I wish we knew each other when we were younger I
00:04Feel like we could have helped each other so much. I wasn't ready to love you when I was young. I
00:10Thought I was unlovable
00:19Hello Molly
00:21You're awake. I'm sorry. What's happening? We're stuck. We're second time
00:29Everything in here regenerates itself
00:32Tada hard pass. Why did you get so upset when I showed you the violas? It's a long story
00:39We have nothing but time
00:44You made me look outside
00:51She hates you
00:54That girl has nothing inside
01:03We could be stuck here for eons and eons, do you know how long I've been here since you vanished
01:17I need to see her. This is a family matter
01:21I had to do it. It was the only way we could be free
01:28And now look at what you've done to yourself. I'm not even afraid of losing you because I know you're always gonna be with me