• 2 months ago


00:00We have booked 261 rooms in four hotels, Taj Hotel, Maurya, Lehmantree and Chanakya.
00:16They are being arranged to stay in these four hotels.
00:20With every person, with every team.
00:24We are also assigning a Leisuring Officer to each of them.
00:34So that they don't have any problem.
00:36They are coming from outside, so they don't know where the hotels are.
00:39So they don't have any problem.
00:41That's why we are assigning a Leisuring Officer to each of them.
00:44We have booked a total of 286 cars.
00:48We have booked a lot of cars and rooms.
01:02People are also asking questions.
01:07We are also going to ask some questions.
01:09We are also going to give them some gifts.
01:12We are doing all the arrangements for the Leisuring Officer.
01:16We will have a driver and a security officer.
01:18The Leisuring Officer is also taking care of everyone's food.
01:21All the Leisuring Officers have prepared a detailed program.
01:27The Leisuring Officers have also been assigned different responsibilities.
01:37In total, there are a large number of Officers, Employees and Public Officers.
01:44They are contributing to the success of this organization.
01:47We would like to do this through you.
01:50We will also hold events all over the city.
01:52We will also do publicity.
01:53But this publicity will be incomplete without you.
01:57So we expect you to participate in the inauguration ceremony.
02:04Please participate in the inauguration ceremony.
02:08This is our appeal to you.
02:11Please ask your questions.
02:16I have given you the complete list.
02:18I have said a little less, but I have written a lot.
02:26Delhi and Goa are not included in the list.
02:30All other states are included.
02:35Do you do cultural work only for the poor or for the rich?
02:39How much cultural work will you see at this age?
02:42If young people ask, I will tell them.
02:51Why is Goa not included in the list?
02:55We cannot answer this question.
02:59They must have received some work.
03:01There must be some problem in their state.
03:05This is a question of the party.
03:08What is the party involved in this?
03:10When all the people of the state are coming from Goa, then what is the party involved in this?
03:23She must be his wife.
03:27She doesn't even know what a spouse is.
03:29If you go home and ask her, you will know what a spouse is.
03:34She must be his wife.
03:49In 2018, there was a CPA campaign.
03:51I have already told you that there are two types of campaigns.
03:54One is the campaign of the Commonwealth Parliament Association of India.
03:59The other is the campaign of the Punjab Dictatorship Association of India.
04:02Both are different things.
04:04In 2018, there was a CPA campaign.
04:06The Punjab Dictatorship Association of India was formed in Bihar after 1982.
04:30You must be thinking like this.
04:32The country does not think like this.
04:34This is a matter of discussion.
04:36You will come out of the discussion.
04:38You will know what it is.
04:42I would like to request the Chief Minister of Bihar, Vihar Prasad, to say something in front of you.
04:49I don't have much to say after you have said it.
04:54But I would like to say one thing.
