• 2 months ago


00:00for the development of this country.
00:05Unfortunately, in the last 35-37 years,
00:12thousands of people have sacrificed their lives
00:16for the development of this country,
00:19for the development of Jammu and Kashmir,
00:22and for the end of Jammu and Kashmir's democracy.
00:26I belong to a political organization
00:30whose thousands of leaders and workers
00:34have sacrificed their lives in the last 35 years
00:37because we were not ready to trade our country.
00:43We were not ready to see our country being divided.
00:48I don't know what sacrifices will be made in the future,
00:56but Mr. Prime Minister, your presence here today
01:02at the inauguration of this tunnel
01:05is a testimony to the fact that those people
01:09who carry out these attacks,
01:12those people who do not want the betterment of this country,
01:15those people who do not want Jammu and Kashmir to prosper,
01:19to have peace and democracy,
01:22they will never be successful.
01:26They will always have to face defeat here.
01:29We will always defeat them and send them back.
01:33And we will never see this country, Jammu and Kashmir,
01:36and the democracy of Jammu and Kashmir,
01:38being harmed here.
01:43The people of Jammu and Kashmir are very pleased
01:51that you inaugurated this tunnel.
01:55It is perhaps my good fortune
01:58that when the foundation stone was laid for this tunnel,
02:03I took part in that program as the Prime Minister.
02:08It was the 2012 Border Roads Program.
02:12A long time has passed since then.
02:15There were many reasons and difficulties.
02:19The project was not able to begin.
02:22But then, with your help and Mr. Nitin Gadkari's help,
02:26this project was accelerated in the last few years.
02:29And today, this tunnel of Sonmar,
02:32which was previously known as Zermo Tunnel,
02:36is now known as Sonmar Tunnel.
02:40It was inaugurated today.
02:42The people of Jammu and Kashmir have been waiting for this tunnel for a long time.
02:46Because of this tunnel, people will not have to leave Sonmar
02:50and come to the lower regions in winters.
02:53There will be tourism here for 12 months a year.
02:57As a destination for winter tourism,
03:00we will be able to develop Sonmar.
03:03Along with this, we will also be able to accelerate the Zojila Tunnel project.
03:10Mr. Prime Minister,
03:12as a result of your efforts,
03:14the peace process on the borders is also getting a lot of benefits
03:20in those remote areas today.
03:23Whether it is Machil, Gurez, Karna, Keran,
03:28in terms of development or tourism,
03:32we cannot imagine how many tourists
03:35are taking advantage of the beauty of these remote areas today.
03:41Similarly, we hope that the number of tourists in Sonmar will also increase.
03:49Mr. Prime Minister,
03:51before this, when you came to Srinagar for the program,
03:57after winning your third election,
04:02you did a program in Srinagar on International Yoga Day.
04:07During that program, you spoke to people.
04:11And on the basis of those words,
04:14people have started to believe more in your words.
04:20You said three very important things in your speech during that time.
04:24You said that you are committed to erasing the distance between the heart and Delhi.
04:32And this is really proven by your work.
04:35Within 15 days, this is your second program on Jammu and Kashmir.
04:41Before this, you rewarded Jammu with the Rail Division.
04:45And you participated in that program.
04:47And today you yourself have come to Sonmar to start this tunnel.
04:52For this, the distance between the heart and Delhi is reduced.
