• 2 months ago


00:30I would like to thank our senior central minister, our colleagues in the Lok Sabha, and my playmates in the badminton court at my home.
00:50You must have seen that he was our minister and I was the state minister.
01:00We used to see two men around Modi ji.
01:07I would like to welcome our first Joshi ji.
01:37I would like to welcome our book's authors and press colleagues.
01:49Now I will come straight to the subject.
01:52What is the subject?
01:54The subject is that Congress spreads a lie.
02:03And it also influences the voters.
02:11This lie should be exposed.
02:15The truth should reach the people.
02:18The people and the Indian people have always respected Babasaheb.
02:28And Congress has always insulted Babasaheb.
02:33This is the subject.
02:35I will try to give you an example to explain this to you.
02:39Take the event of 1946.
02:44When the interim government was formed in our country.
02:49And Nehru became the Prime Minister.
02:54There was no election.
02:56There was no freedom of the country.
02:59The Britishers decided that there would be 14 cabinet ministers in the interim government.
03:13You should name them.
03:15Before naming them, Nehru asked what is the quota and what is the proportion.
03:25The answer was 5 Hindus.
03:305 Muslims.
03:351 Sikh.
03:391 Christian.
03:451 Parsi.
03:491 Dalit.
03:53Now let's make a list of Nehru.
03:55Now Congress says that we have respected Babasaheb.
04:00This can be seen in the first list.
04:03In this list, Babasaheb Bheemrao Ambedkar's name was absent.
04:10It was not there.
04:12So you will ask, whose name was there in the Dalit quota?
04:17The name was of Jagjeevan Ram.
04:20Babasaheb's name was not there.
04:23When the name was not there,
04:25and the news came in the newspapers,
04:29that the interim government is being formed,
04:32Dr. Bheemrao Ambedkar's name was not there in the ministry,
04:36when the Britishers said, make a national government.
04:39Take the people of other parties as well.
04:41But Nehru did not take it.
04:44And in the Dalit quota, he took the name of Jagjeevan Ram.
04:47So the people of the Dalit federation,
04:50the organizations associated with the Dalit community,
04:54gave a telegram.
04:57The British Prime Minister was there.
