• 2 months ago
इन दिनों मंडी जिले के नदी, झील और जलाशयों को प्रवासी पक्षियों ने अपना घर बनाया हुआ है. फरवरी तक ये प्रवासी मेहमान यही रहेंगे.


00:00Our reservoirs in the mandi are in Sundanagar.
00:06They are with the pandas in the mandi.
00:09The water in the river flows slowly from the pando dam to the mandi.
00:16Like every year, this year too, migratory birds have come.
00:21Commonly, there are coots, pintail ducks, cormorants.
00:28The number of migratory birds that come every year is the same as this year.
00:33Like every year, this year too, we have asked our staff
00:39to monitor them, survey them and increase the number of patrolling for their safety.
