• 2 months ago
दिलचस्प हुआ हल्द्वानी नगर निगम का चुनाव, कांग्रेस प्रत्याशी ललित जोशी जीत को लेकर आश्वस्त, कहा- घबराई हुई है बीजेपी, होगी करारी हार


00:00The biggest city of Kumaon, Haldwani Nagar Nigam, has lost the competition.
00:03Congress candidate Lalli Joshi is with us.
00:06Sir, how are you feeling about your victory?
00:08How are you feeling?
00:12Look, it's like this,
00:14where the people are fighting for elections,
00:18no factors work there.
00:22The symbol factor doesn't work much,
00:25where the people are fighting for elections.
00:27So, I feel that the people are fighting for elections.
00:29Look, whatever the result will be,
00:30the elections have only gone by 30-40%,
00:33now it's 60%.
00:34So, I don't feel that,
00:37I feel that this is the time for change.
00:40For 10 years, the people have been asking for change from BJP.
00:43That's all I have to say.
00:44Lalli Joshi, you are made a land minister in Haldwani Nagar,
00:47you get good support from the people.
00:49In such a situation, your issues,
00:50there were many old issues and many other things,
00:53which you took forward.
00:54Now, what are the issues that are left, especially in Haldwani?
00:59Look, the issues have been going on in my life for the past 32 years.
01:03From the time when Uttarakhand was formed,
01:09till now, some time ago,
01:12there have been all kinds of protests,
01:14and they are in front of everyone.
01:17So, I,
01:20I have something like this.
01:22Look, you must have 2 rupees, right?
01:26So, if you talk about 2 rupees,
01:27if you have 50 lakhs, you talk about 50 lakhs.
01:32So, I,
01:35even though I have limited money,
01:39but the people, the earnings that I have earned in the past 32 years,
01:44the accumulated wealth that I have,
01:48the wealth of the people,
01:50I am fighting for it and I am getting its full support.
01:53This is a very pleasant surprise for me.
01:56The competition for Haldwani has become interesting.
01:58On one hand, there is Lalit Joshi, and on the other hand, there is BJP.
02:00Now, Yogi Adityanath is coming in between them.
02:03How do you see Yogi Adityanath's entry in Haldwani?
02:06Look, I have no direct competition with Yogi Adityanath.
02:12I want to ask,
02:15that you,
02:17on a house,
02:20on a dilapidated house,
02:23if you paint it well,
02:27after a few days, you will see the effect.
02:29You can still see the effect.
02:32So, look, we,
02:34I hope that the elections of the local elections,
02:38which are fought in direct contact with the local issues and the local people,
02:45the big publicists are not able to do anything about it.
02:48This is my belief.
02:49Rest, I have given you the answer.
02:52I feel that based on the hard work I have done in the last 32 years,
02:59I have built my own house.
03:01Now, I don't need to paint it with fake colours.
03:04Joshi ji, in the elections, the issue of Banphulpur has also come up.
03:08Soheb Ahmed has resigned after taking back his nomination.
03:12And after resigning, it is being said that the condition of Congress is getting better.
03:15But how healthy are you there?
03:18Because the situation of voting is not good there.
03:21So, how are you handling the situation there?
03:24Look, listen to me.
03:25You are Banphulpura, you are Haldwani.
03:28Why do you ask me these issues?
03:31And why do they remember these issues?
03:33These are the issues of the public.
03:34You have left the whole city there.
03:36Have you ever asked them?
03:37Go and ask them.
03:39They are unemployed.
03:41What will you do to them?
03:43How will you do to them?
03:44Go and ask them.
03:45Have you ever asked the Prime Minister of a country who has never accepted Rs 2,000 crores?
03:48He is my Prime Minister too.
03:49Go and ask him.
03:51What is this again and again?
03:54The Mumbai people who are shouting here and there.
03:56Didn't you go to that place and bring them to the elections?
03:58You tell me.
03:59Don't talk about here and there.
04:01You tell me.
04:02What if Haldwani's caravan is looted?
04:04What if the whole road is destroyed?
04:06Tell me this.
04:08What is this?
04:09This has happened, that has happened.
04:10I don't need to give a certificate, Lord.
04:13Last question.
04:14The BJP accuses you of being a traitor.
04:16But you have insulted the Rajya Andhra people.
04:18Because you have done Gatbandhan with the Satwa.
04:20And you have done atrocities with the Satwa of Uttarakhand.
04:24During the Rajya Andhra movement.
04:26How do you see this accusation?
04:28I will do it in two ways.
04:30If you hate Muslims so much,
04:32then why did the BJP give tickets to three Muslims?
04:36First question.
04:37I will ask you.
04:39Second question.
04:40The Mulayam Singh that you are talking about,
04:43the same Mulayam Singh,
04:45I will never say anything against him.
04:47Because the one who has died,
04:49how will he answer?
04:51How will he save himself?
04:53The same Mulayam Singh,
04:55you have insulted him.
04:58What did you insult him for?
05:00That he fired bullets at Muzaffarnagar?
05:02For this?
05:04It happens that
05:06the one who has a glass house,
05:08should not throw stones at others.
05:10And listen,
05:11this fake Sanatani,
05:13the real certificate of this fake Sanatani
05:15has been opened a while ago.
05:17Don't make me open my mouth.
05:21My character is not stained.
05:23Understand this.
05:25I don't want to go into all these things.
05:27But you talk about the issues of the public.
05:29Now don't talk about that.
05:31Don't try to show what you are not.
05:33You are lying.
05:35You are fighting for the public.
05:37The position of the mayor is the position of the municipality.
05:40Discuss about that.
05:42You are welcome.
05:44Sometimes you say that
05:46he is a dead candidate.
05:48We are a living community.
05:50We don't die.
05:52This was Congress President Lalit Joshi
05:54who has a clear allegation
05:56that the seat of the municipality
05:58is going to be won by the Congress.
06:00And the issue is that
06:02the elections of Haldwani
06:04have become very interesting
06:06and Congress President Lalit Joshi
06:08has a clear allegation
06:10that the seat of the municipality
06:12is going to be won by the Congress.
