• 2 months ago
प्रधानमंत्री सूक्ष्म उद्योग उन्नयन योजना अंतर्गत सूक्ष्म खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्यम के लिए हितग्राहियों से ऑनलाइन आवेदन आमंत्रित किए गए हैं.


00:00As the name suggests, it is the Suchma Khadri Union Programme.
00:05This means that all the farmers who are related to Khadri,
00:08all those who are related to food processing, all of them are included in this.
00:12And 35% of the customers are excluded.
00:17And we are making the program according to the target
00:21and its publication is also given in the newspaper on time.
00:25The process is online and we also provide pamphlets
00:30through Jan Samasya Nivaran Sivir, through the office
00:35and also through our regional officials.
00:40The applicant is a district resource person.
00:45Through them, applications are made to them
00:48so that they do not have to come to the office
00:51and the banks do not have to go around too much.
00:54The government has made such an arrangement.
00:57And as DRP, district resource person,
01:00through that their application is presented to the bank
01:04and DRP is appointed by the government.
01:07And this DRP, on time, contacts the banks and beneficiaries
01:12and gets their application processed.
01:16This is very beneficial, as I told you earlier
01:20that food processing, its usefulness
01:23and its ability to benefit is also more.
01:28And in a small account, more and more applications can be made.
01:32In our Kurba district, this year's target has been set at 50.
