• 2 months ago
A mysterious egg contains an impish creature who can grant great power, for good or evil. Brendan Bean, a kindly family | dG1fSDBya0trb1VLRzg
00:13Brendan Bean had it all.
00:16A simple life.
00:18Giorgio! You startle me, you little brat!
00:21Hi, Dad!
00:23Beautiful kids.
00:25I love you beautiful kids so much.
00:27A loving wife.
00:29Don't work too hard, Brendan.
00:31And a wonderful new home.
00:33As you can see, April and I have been hard at work getting things settled.
00:36But soon, his world was going to turn upside down.
00:41When an uninvited guest...
00:44...was a little more than Brendan bargained for.
00:46Are you for real?
00:53I can say without a doubt that this creature does not exist within the known fossil record.
00:58We will move on Brendan Bean, and then we will collect my hoagie,
01:02and your name will be written in history!
01:05You and me, hoagie, we're friends.
01:08I got a hundred dollar gift card to claim jumpers to whoever captures that beast.
01:48Hazelwood Productions and Philpot Family Films
01:51invite you into a world...
01:53Okay, let's go!
01:54...of whimsy and delight.
02:01Everyone, meet Hoagie.
