• 2 months ago
Thieves executed a daring heist at the Tustin Army Reserve Center, stealing three Humvees, including one armored vehicle. The break-in occurred late Wednesday night, with suspects cutting locks to access the parking lot and making off with military vehicles and equipment. The stolen items included not only the Humvees but also critical military gear. While no weapons or ammunition were taken, 18 bayonets were among the missing items. What led to this bold theft, and how could such an incident happen at a U.S. military reserve center? Tune in for the full details of this shocking heist.

#HumveesStolen #TustinArmyReserve #MilitaryHeist #ArmyStolenVehicles #MilitaryTheft #TustinPolice #ArmyBreakIn #BoldTheft #StolenGear #BayonetsStolen

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