• 2 months ago
भोपाल मंडल के डीआरएम देवाशीष त्रिपाठी शनिवार को नर्मदापुरम रेलवे स्टेशन पहुंचे. जहांं उन्होंने अमृत भारत स्टेशन योजना अंतर्गत चल रहे कार्य का निरीक्षण किया.


00:30As you know, under Amrita Bharat station, we have a project going on where we are rebuilding 15 stations in Bhopal division and increasing the number of passengers.
00:50Narmada Puram is a very important district for us and we are trying to provide you with the facilities by March.
01:01In the same way, I am coming from Tarsi and we are increasing the capacity of our cars.
01:06We hope to be able to provide you with Narmada Puram by March.
01:12Sir, I am asking you about the derailment of a freight train in Madhya Pradesh. How did it happen?
01:19As you know, we just had a derailment. There is an enquiry going on for this as well.
01:24There is a regular process for railways and we carry out the enquiry based on the results.
01:29Sir, there is a big carelessness in this.
01:33When the train was brought on the track after the derailment, there was a bump in the road.
01:40As I told you, there is an enquiry going on. We will get to know the results of the enquiry.
01:45Sir, what about the railways? Will they be shut down?
01:49We were having some issues with the funds. We have asked for funds for that.
01:54We hope to start the work for them soon. We hope to get the funds this time.
