• 2 days ago
वाराणसी: धार्मिक नगरी काशी में चाइनीज मांझे का डर व्याप्त है। नागरिक गर्दन में मफलर बांधकर चल रहे हैं और लोग डर के साए में जीने को मजबूर हैं। चाइनीज मांझे की वजह से वाराणसी में अब तक दो मौतें हो चुकी हैं और दर्जनभर से अधिक लोग घायल हुए हैं। प्रशासन ने चाइनीज मंझे की खरीद-फरोख्त पर सख्त कार्रवाई का आदेश दिया है। साथ ही मांझे से किसी के घायल या मौत होने पर एफआईआर दर्ज करने के निर्देश दिए गए हैं। इसके बावजूद नागरिकों के बीच खौफ बना हुआ है।

#ChineseManjhaBan #SafetyInVaranasi #BanChineseManjha #VaranasiNews #PublicSafety


00:30The four people who were being sold have been sent to jail in Sanjay Dharam.
00:37All the traders have been told that whoever is being sold will be prosecuted.
00:46Wherever such incidents take place, they will be prosecuted.
00:53The people who are being sold are also being shot with drones.
00:59If there are children, their parents are also being called to be prosecuted.
01:07The victims are being prosecuted according to the law.
01:16I think that if the police take action, it will definitely be good for the people.
01:27You can wear a muffler around your neck and wear a helmet.
01:31But this is not an option.
01:34For example, we pay road tax.
01:37If you come here to walk freely, you will know that your neck has been cut.
01:41If one person dies, the lives of many families will be ruined.
01:47The police commissioner should take action.
01:53The police commissioner will take control of the situation in a day.
02:00The people who are being sold will be prosecuted according to the law.
02:04The people who are being sold will be prosecuted according to the law.
02:09We are also wearing a muffler around our neck and helmet.
02:15We have told our children to wear a muffler around their neck and helmet.
02:23There should be a strong protest.
02:26Some people have been injured and some have died.
02:33The government should take strict action.
02:37People are wearing a muffler around their neck and helmet.
02:41People are being careful on the road.
02:43Some accidents can happen.
