Solo Leveling is an anime television series based on Chugong's South Korean web novel of the same name. After the broadcast of the first season finale, a second season, titled Solo Leveling: Arise from the Shadow, was announced. The season is produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Shunsuke Nakashige, with Noboru Kimura writing the scripts, Tomoko Sudo designing the characters, and Hiroyuki Sawano composing the music.[1] It premiered on January 5, 2025, on Tokyo MX and other networks.[2][3][a]
A compilation film of the first season, titled Solo Leveling: ReAwakening, was screened along with the first two episodes of the second season in Japan from November 29 to December 12, 2024.[4][5] Crunchyroll acquired the North American and select international rights for the compilation film, and screened it in the United States and Canada beginning on December 6, 2024.[6]
The opening theme song is "Reawaker" performed by Lisa (feat. Felix of Stray Kids),[7] while the ending theme song is "Un-Apex" performed by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure.[2] Crunchyroll licensed the season outside of Asia.[8] Medialink licensed the season in Southeast Asia and Oceania (except Australia and New Zealand)
A compilation film of the first season, titled Solo Leveling: ReAwakening, was screened along with the first two episodes of the second season in Japan from November 29 to December 12, 2024.[4][5] Crunchyroll acquired the North American and select international rights for the compilation film, and screened it in the United States and Canada beginning on December 6, 2024.[6]
The opening theme song is "Reawaker" performed by Lisa (feat. Felix of Stray Kids),[7] while the ending theme song is "Un-Apex" performed by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure.[2] Crunchyroll licensed the season outside of Asia.[8] Medialink licensed the season in Southeast Asia and Oceania (except Australia and New Zealand)