• 2 months ago
Many supermarkets now offer their own budget brands to help shoppers save money. What do you think of these cheaper alternatives- are they just as good as the big name brands? .


00:00You'll notice a difference. I mean, it's cheaper, but I buy a lot of things that are the cheaper option and I find them just as good.
00:06They're honestly great. It provides a, you know, a way for people to afford the necessities.
00:13And I think that they are just as good, especially things like groceries.
00:17Like, you know, a tomato is a tomato, a can of tomato soup is a can of tomato soup.
00:21If it's half the price and you cook it up with a bunch of other good ingredients, it's cheaper and it tastes the same. It's great.
00:28For the most part, I think they're alright. I think they're as good.
00:31The only things I won't buy are tea bags, tomato ketchup, because they never get it right, those two.
00:39Tea bags in particular is an important one. But no, generally, they're alright, I think.
00:45Like, I don't know, there's so much emphasis placed on the brands.
00:49Yeah, illusion of quality, illusion of quality.
00:52I don't know, I think a good amount of people saying that cheap stuff tastes worse probably have that kind of like...
00:58Yeah, placebo, it's a placebo effect.
