• 2 months ago
01:44for the work that they've done over the decades today you find a product of
01:49that work but there are many more that they have done I remember a few years
02:00back a complete complete compilation of the status of Indian women being put
02:09together and so extensively researched and which was published in several
02:18volumes capturing the current position of women all over India if I can link it
02:27it was one of those early reports before the formation of National Commission for
02:31Women the status of women in India which was compiled but after that it was never
02:37updated in fact I would say with a different perspective all together
02:44because in my view that status of women report which was instrumental in
02:50commencing the Women's Commission however well drafted and well compiled
02:56it was it still had a ideological perspective which was not completely
03:04reflective of India never mind that was a great attempt but what Bhartiya Shri
03:08Shakti had done subsequently was a fantastic compilation with a
03:13perspective which is so very critical for India's understanding of how Indian
03:18women become part of India's story and just not this century but over the
03:24millennia so I commend Bhartiya Shri Shakti for steadily contributing to the
03:33bank of literature which will contribute towards this thinking which
03:41is so infused with our ideology it is for want of such bank of literature we
03:48ended up in our universities with women's studies centers which did not
03:55have anything to do with Indian women's thinking or the way in which we've
03:59perceived women so they were like going on a track which none of us could relate
04:06to but they were the initial ones which taught us about how to think about women
04:11as it were so today that if anything paucity in good literature contributing
04:21towards India's perception and understanding of women and their role in
04:29our society is being met with so once again congratulations Bhartiya Shri
04:35Shakti for steadily coming up with such good literature which can help us put in
04:40place a good framework and ideological foundation for having meaningful
04:46discourse on this topic all eminent people in the dais belated namaskar and
04:53it's an honor to be with you all here and the thinking audience
