00:00In Sahajina neighborhood, there are some areas where the water is coming from the drain
00:08The water from the waste water is being polluted?
00:12Till now we have not received such a complaint
00:15Now through you people, I have received information
00:18I will get it checked immediately
00:21So sir, how is this dirty water getting polluted?
00:27See, what happens is, the drain has been crossed
00:30Someone must have made a hole in the drain and made it boring
00:33There must be a leakage in it
00:34The water must be going away
00:36Someone will make a private hole in the drain
00:39If there is a leakage in the drain, the water must be going away
00:42Some people say that the drain has been left open
00:45The drain has been left open
00:47No, no, that is different
00:49The drain is left open for cleaning
00:52If we cover the drain with flowers, it is difficult to clean it
00:57We have to break it in many places to clean it
01:00And where there is no drain, where there is a complaint
01:03We have made an estimate and sent it to the department
01:06The department has approved it
01:10As soon as the administration comes, we will work on it
शारब और खाने के बार वालों ने मांगे रूपये तो दबंग ने की बार मे फायरिंग घटना सीसीटीवी में कैद
नीट परीक्षा से जुड़े कई पेपर बरामद पीएमसीएच के हॉस्टल से मिला समस्तीपुर का रहने वाला है अजय