00:00institution today, every major institution today is under attack if that institution
00:07is not sufficiently supportive of the state of Israel.
00:11So you know, these are the questions I want to answer, which perplex a lot of people.
00:18I also, you know, read in your book that Israel's, you know, Western allies or its supporters,
00:27they have turned out to be among its worst enemies.
00:32I understand right now Israel has massive support, even though it has been continuing
00:40on with this, with these war crimes for the last nearly two years now, it still has friends
00:48But when you talk about that, those friends have turned out to be its worst enemies, you
00:52know, if I use the words that you use, ushering their war deeper into hallucination.
00:58Do you think Israel is really isolated or it would be isolated and it would find itself
01:04Israel is a deeply, is in a deeply vulnerable position.
01:09I mean, just because, you know, you can set off major explosions in Lebanon, you can flatten
01:17large parts of Gaza, you can, you know, destroy ports in Yemen, you can destroy the Syrian
01:29That doesn't mean that you're, you know, safe and guaranteed a stable future as a nation
01:38Quite the contrary.
01:39You are in a way exposing yourself to weakness and continued warfare over an extremely long
01:48period and no nation state, no modern nation state can survive a period of continuous warfare.
01:56What is going to happen to the economy?
01:57Have we looked at the state of the Israeli economy?
02:00The fact that some of the most talented people in Israel are either leaving or have left
02:07or have plans to leave the country and to move to places where it's, you know, much
02:12easier to set up a business, much easier to, you know, do whatever they're doing in Israel
02:19at this point.
02:21It's a very basic fact, you know, of human history that a small country, no matter how
02:29well it fights its battles, cannot continuously antagonize its neighbors, cannot continuously
02:36violate the laws of, you know, war, continuously wage war, essentially, you know, you don't
02:45actually have the money to do it.
02:47And I think, you know, questions are already being raised in the United States, including
02:54by, you know, the people who are now about to assume power in the United States.
03:02Why are we giving billions of dollars to a small country far away from us, which doesn't
03:08serve our interests?
03:09Just yesterday, Donald Trump tweeted a video of someone saying Netanyahu has been leading
03:18America into unnecessary wars in the Middle East.
03:21Now, why is he doing that?
03:22Why is Trump tweeting a video like that?
03:24Because that thinking is growing amongst large numbers of Americans who are beginning to
03:29ask questions, not just about American money going to Ukraine, but also to Israel and saying,
03:35where is the money to invest in health care in the United States?
03:39Where is the money to, you know, achieve better fire prevention or disaster prevention efforts
03:45in California and elsewhere?
03:48So when people say, we don't have the money to do this, we don't have the money to do
03:51that, people are asking, you know, how come you have the money to send to Israel?
03:56So I do think in the long term, or even in the short term, the support Israel enjoys
04:04is going to be severely compromised.
04:07So I think that's what I mean, that the existence that any nation state is entitled to, and
04:13Israel is entitled to live in peace and stability like every other nation state, but I think
04:20it has deliberately turned its back on that prospect and has decided to live by the sword.
04:28And we know that, you know, you really cannot live by the sword anymore.
04:32Not that it was ever possible, but it's even less possible in an intricately interdependent
04:38world where trade and, you know, flows of goods and capital are so important.
04:48We understand, you know, at the same time Israel is getting a lot of support, but now
04:54people across the world are also voicing their opinion against it.