• 2 months ago
西暦2324年。宇宙から飛来した機械生命体と人類の戦いは、300年にわたり続いて | dG1fdl9vVnpHRnZvU2s
00:00I'm showing a major firewall breach at the plant.
00:03Propagate Apex Predator 8.
00:07Whenever one of these things comes in contact with a mechanical device,
00:10it'll turn into a hunt-and-kill moment.
00:12You need to evacuate the plant immediately!
00:19It's war again.
00:25We have to turn every piece of tech into a cubot within 12 hours.
00:28Nothing digital is safe.
00:30They're taking the form of robotic lions.
00:32My two kids are trapped inside the Van Riberty Center.
00:35Let's go!
00:36We're gonna need all the help we can get.
00:37Found a way to hack them?
00:39What if we turn the Z-Bots back on?
00:43Heading into the headquarters with friendly Z-Bots!
00:47These things are everywhere!
00:51It's acquiring everything it can.
00:54This new organism will be able to kill everything on Earth.
00:58Total convergence.
00:59Come on!
