This is the time of year when most summer holidays are booked. Do you plan to get away? What’s your favourite destination, and what do you love about it?
00:00I'm thinking I might go to Xanti again. No, that's a thought but I haven't actually booked anything
00:06Anything I want to go to
00:08Vietnam again, but I have looked at the thing might go to somewhere like Jersey
00:13You know somewhere nice like that. Not yet. No none at the moment. No. Yeah
00:18It all depends on
00:22What happens?
00:23Yeah, yeah, I hope to get away
00:26We did last year didn't we? Yeah, we were over and we went down Norfolk. I think Italy was
00:35My favorite and I love the clothes
00:40Amsterdam's great. Yeah, there's a lot of fun things to do there. I'd say my favorite place is probably like Gozo
00:48Which is just off Malta
00:50Yeah, I'm a bit more myself
00:52Well, my favorite is France, but I haven't been for a long time