कहते हैं चाहे संडे हो या मंडे, हर दिन एक अंडा जरूर खाना चाहिए. वैसे भी अधिकतर लोग अंडे का सेवन नाश्ते में जरूर करते हैं. पर क्या ज्यादा अंडे खाने से आपको किडनी स्टोन हो सकता है ?चलिए आज की वीडियो में जानते है
It is said that whether it is Sunday or Monday, one must eat an egg every day. Anyway, most of the people definitely consume eggs in breakfast. But can you get kidney stones by eating too many eggs? Let us know in today's video.
#JadaandeKhaneSeKyaHotaHai #JyadaAndeKhaneKeNuksan #EatingTooMuchEggSideEffects #EggsSideEffectsHindi
It is said that whether it is Sunday or Monday, one must eat an egg every day. Anyway, most of the people definitely consume eggs in breakfast. But can you get kidney stones by eating too many eggs? Let us know in today's video.
#JadaandeKhaneSeKyaHotaHai #JyadaAndeKhaneKeNuksan #EatingTooMuchEggSideEffects #EggsSideEffectsHindi