• 2 months ago


00:00His name is Vaddi Kasulavada, Pedukondalavada, Venkatramana Govinda, Govinda.
00:08What it means?
00:10It doesn't mean that I will punish you in the next birth.
00:14You are going to take that punishment this birth only.
00:18You have seen that. Not now.
00:21So many occasions. I have seen so many persons.
00:24If a person is doing his job according to his wish in TDD,
00:28then he is a good person.
00:30Since his childhood.
00:31But in his life, no one can bear his suffering.
00:35Be clear.
00:36You go through examples.
00:38That is the power of Balaji.
00:41It is so.
00:43But no one acts too much.
00:45Even if I write an exam and you miss it,
00:49God will take care of it and settle it.
00:53But everyone has to be there.
00:55If we work with a pure heart,
00:57if you are a devotee with that pure heart,
01:00you will get blessings.
01:02If you are like that and do bad things,
01:04you will have a problem.
01:16Sir, was it a failure of the government or the police department
01:20or a lack of coordination between the departments happened yesterday?
01:24I explained everything just now.
01:26You can go through all those things.
01:28You will get all the answers.
01:42Good evening to everybody.
01:48a very bad incident, a sad incident,
01:53happened in the foothills of Balaji.
02:00We are all feeling very bad about it.
02:05Always we are working on how to improve the sanctity of Balaji.
02:10In the past, so many problems have come.
02:15We are correcting everything,
02:17starting with prasadam,
02:21even cottages, administration, everything.
02:25All of a sudden, this incident has happened.
02:29This incident also, there is a legacy problem.
02:32Never in my lifetime,
02:35tokens are given
02:39in Tirupati for darshan.
02:42For the last five years, new practice they have brought.
02:47Because of that, yesterday,
02:50in one premises,
02:53they have kept all these people.
02:56There was a panic reaction.
02:59And also one woman was painted.
03:04While opening the gates,
03:07they didn't take adequate precautions.
03:11That was the main reason to trigger this incident.
03:16Anyway, we have lost six people.
03:19I went to the site first.
03:22Then I went to hospital.
03:26I enquired with all people.
03:29I heard one by one what happened.
03:32They are the real eyewitnesses.
03:36And also I came here.
03:38I had one more review.
03:41And then, by taking all these things,
03:44as Chief Minister, I have taken some decisions.
03:47It should not repeat in future.
03:50One is all six members who are all deceased,
03:5425 lakhs each family,
03:57and one job for that family.
04:01That is one decision I have taken.
04:04In consultation with everybody.
04:07And two families were severely injured,
04:105 lakhs each we are giving.
04:13All other 33 families, 2 lakhs each,
04:17we are giving financial assistance.
04:21And also tomorrow everybody will have a darshan.
04:24After that they will be dropped
04:27in their respective houses.
04:30That is one decision.
04:32Second decision,
04:36knowingly or unknowingly,
04:39and also some negligence,
04:43all these things.
04:46One DSP, who was on the spot.
04:50One Mr. Ramanakumar was suspended.
04:53And also Harimnath Reddy, Director of Ghoshala,
04:56who is in charge of that spot,
04:59that princess.
