• 2 months ago
ليه بنتكلم وإحنا نايمين؟

في هذا الفيديو المثير، نناقش ظاهرة التحدث أثناء النوم أو ما يعرف بـ الحديث النومي، ونتعرف على الأسباب التي قد تجعلك تتحدث أثناء نومك. هل هو مجرد رد فعل عادي، أم أنه علامة على شيء أعمق في الدماغ؟ هل هناك علاقة بين التوتر النفسي أو المشاعر المكبوتة وبين تلك الظاهرة

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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00:00Did anyone tell you before that you talk while you sleep?
00:03Did you say a word like this?
00:05Did you make a secret like this?
00:06Or even a word that's not understood?
00:08Don't worry, you're not alone.
00:09Speaking while sleeping happens to a lot of people,
00:12and this is a very normal case, not a disease.
00:14A case that makes the person say words or short sentences
00:17while sleeping unconsciously.
00:19The words can be clear, related to the person they are living with,
00:22or just a vague misunderstanding.
00:24Sleep is divided into two stages,
00:26and the words can happen in both.
00:28Sleep is the rapid eye movement.
00:30This is the stage we dream in.
00:32Speaking while sleeping at this stage
00:34can be a reaction to the dream,
00:35and sleep is the non-rapid eye movement.
00:38This is the deep sleep stage.
00:39The words here are usually just unorganized sounds,
00:43because the brain is not active enough.
00:45The words appear more when the person moves from sleep stages,
00:48and this makes the brain half-conscious.
00:51About 50% of children talk while sleeping
00:54because their nervous system is developing,
00:56and this is very normal.
00:57But words while sleeping don't only happen to children.
01:00It can happen to anyone at any age,
01:02and this goes back to many reasons.
01:04The first and most important reason is stress and anxiety.
01:07The day is full of stress.
01:08It can be reflected on the brain while sleeping.
01:10Lack of sleep or severe fatigue,
01:13and also unorganized sleep,
01:14affects the nervous system,
01:16and can result in hereditary factors.
01:18Also, drugs that affect the nervous system
01:21can increase the likelihood of words while sleeping.
01:24A study published in the Journal of Sleep Research
01:27found that words while sleeping
01:28are most affected by people who suffer from sleep disorders,
01:32such as drowsiness or walking while sleeping.
01:34Another study showed that about 10% of people
01:37who suffer from quick eye movement disorders
01:40speak directly to their dreams.
01:42This is very normal,
01:44and often due to the stress we are exposed to.
01:46But sometimes it can be a sign of a health problem.
01:50Words are characterized by violent movements,
01:52such as walking or hitting.
01:53This can lead to disorders such as sleep disorders,
01:57or nightmares.
01:58If there is a lot of talking, or it happens every night,
02:00or it affects the environment,
02:02then we need to see a specialist.
02:04But we can do some simple things to reduce this problem.
02:07The most important thing is continuous sleep for enough hours at night.
02:10We stop scrolling on the phone before going to sleep for enough time.
02:13We do a simple routine.
02:14We change our clothes.
02:15We wear comfortable, suitable clothes.
02:17We drink warm water.
02:18We take a long shower.
02:19Everyone sees what makes them calm.
02:22Sleep is one of the most important blessings.
02:23If there is a problem or it is not organized,
02:25your health, your mood, your energy, your concentration,
02:28everything is affected.
02:29If you know someone who is talking while sleeping,
02:32send him this video.
