• 2 months ago
Prêt à stimuler votre cerveau avec quelques énigmes saisonnières ? Ces casse-têtes astucieux sont parfaits pour mettre à l'épreuve vos compétences en quiz tout en vous plongeant dans l'esprit de n'importe quelle saison. Pensez aux flocons de neige en hiver, aux fleurs épanouies au printemps ou aux épices de citrouille en automne — chaque énigme est liée aux ambiances de la saison. Certaines vous feront rire, d'autres vous feront vous gratter la tête, mais toutes vous garantiront un moment de plaisir. Elles sont idéales pour les soirées jeux en famille ou simplement pour impressionner vos amis avec votre esprit. Alors, mettez votre casquette de réflexion et voyez si vous pouvez résoudre ces mystères saisonniers ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Hi friends! We need your detective skills to save Christmas,
00:04and your first task is to fight one of these terrible monsters.
00:08They all have the power to spoil the holiday season,
00:10but if you manage to defeat them all,
00:13Christmas will be saved.
00:15Which one will be easiest to defeat?
00:17The snow man?
00:18The snowman?
00:20Or Santa Claus?
00:21Take your time.
00:22The future depends on your decision.
00:24And if I were you, I would fight the snowman, he is very soft and seems ready to melt.
00:35You are waiting for your elf friend outside, it is freezing cold.
00:39What is the best way to warm up?
00:41Dance, warm up your hands or sing?
00:44Singing is rather dangerous when it freezes outside, you can easily catch a cold.
00:54Warming up your hands when you don't even have a hat doesn't make much sense.
00:58Dancing is the best strategy in this situation.
01:01It will warm you up a bit, but as soon as your friend arrives, hurry to a very warm place.
01:06All these elves broke their sledges, but only one of them did it on purpose, probably to get the insurance money.
01:13Can you guess which elf is a fraudster?
01:21Let's see.
01:22The first one drove his sled straight into the tree because it is too small and didn't see the obstacle.
01:27The third one had to drive directly off the road and towards the cliff.
01:31And now he blames himself for forgetting to activate the flight mode.
01:35As for the second elf, he is a little villain.
01:38He wanted to make his sled disappear but didn't really succeed.
01:42After his unsuccessful attempt to get the insurance money,
01:45this evil elf decided that the best way to get rich would be to inherit someone else's fortune.
01:51So he decided to get rid of Santa Claus.
01:54The elf invited him to eat and he served him three dishes.
01:58Look at them and try to determine which one is safe.
02:06These biscuits with chocolate chips evoking Christmas seem edible.
02:10Until you notice that these chips are actually insects.
02:14The steam rising above this bowl of soup is strangely green.
02:18This dish is most likely poisoned.
02:20The only sure option is the apples.
02:22Look at this little glass coming out of one of them.
02:25If this little animal can nibble the inside of the apple, it is that it is safe for Santa Claus.
02:30After realizing that Santa Claus was not going to fall into his poisoned dinner trap,
02:35the elf managed to lock him up.
02:37But the elves loyal to Santa Claus hired a detective to find their leader.
02:42When the detective entered the house of the evil elf,
02:45he discovered a basement with three doors.
02:47Behind each of them, there was a man disguised as Santa Claus
02:51and they all said to be the real one.
02:53Look at them carefully and help the detective to guess which is the real Santa Claus.
03:03It's Santa Claus on the left.
03:05Did you pay attention to the picture on the wall?
03:08Strangely, it represents Santa Claus with his queens.
03:11If you compare the picture with all his Santa Claus,
03:14only the one on the left is absolutely identical.
03:18The elves of Santa Claus are happy to see him come back safe and sound.
03:22But Santa Claus is very distracted.
03:24He has a strange problem.
03:26One of his elves just celebrated his birthday,
03:29but Santa Claus doesn't remember his age.
03:32He decides to ask him.
03:34The good old elf doesn't want to make it easy for him.
03:37He says to him,
03:38The day before yesterday, I was 104 years old,
03:40and next year, I will be 107 years old.
03:43It seems strange,
03:45but there is no error in the elf's calculations.
03:47How is this possible?
03:55The elf's birthday is December 31st,
03:58and he talks about it with Santa Claus on January 1st.
04:01The day before his birthday, he was 104 years old.
04:04The next day, he was 105 years old.
04:06And then a new year began the next day.
04:09This year, he will be 106 years old.
04:11And he will be 107 years old the following year.
04:15Santa Claus decided to reward the most hardworking elf at the end of the year.
04:19He chose the one who had worked the most,
04:22and gave him a big sum of money.
04:24But the elf asked Santa Claus to give half of this sum to his best friend.
04:28The problem is that, despite all his efforts,
04:31Santa Claus could not remember who was the best friend of the elf in question.
04:35Look at these elves, and tell me which one is this famous friend.
04:44It is the one who wears the same bracelet as the winner.
04:49It was the period of the year when Santa Claus tested his elves.
04:52The exam was rather difficult,
04:54and cheating was forbidden, of course.
04:57But an elf still tried to cheat.
05:00Which one, and how did he do it?
05:07It's this elf in the second row on the left.
05:09It looks like he's trying to remember what he read.
05:12But in reality, he has the answers written on his hand.
05:17Santa Claus was having lunch in a cafe in the North Pole when an idea came to his mind.
05:21He decided to buy a meal for the poorest person in the room.
05:25Could you help him determine who it was?
05:35The man on the right is already eating a three-course meal.
05:38The woman sitting behind the table on the left is wearing branded clothes.
05:42Unless they are all fake, she does not need money.
05:45So, the poorest person is probably the guy in the white shirt.
05:49He only has a few coins in his hand, probably to pay for his meal.
05:54Santa Claus came home after buying meat for his dogs and vegetables for himself.
05:59Suddenly, he saw someone running towards him.
06:02This person grabbed his bag before running away on all fours.
06:05Santa Claus immediately called the police to tell them what had happened.
06:09He added that it was a man wearing sunglasses and a black hood sweater.
06:14The police began patrolling the park.
06:17They found the hood sweater and the sunglasses.
06:20Can you guess which one of these individuals took Santa Claus' stuff?
06:29It's the one with the dog.
06:31The animal can smell the meat the man is holding and is waiting for a treat.
06:36Luca was looking forward to meeting Santa Claus.
06:39And when this meeting took place, our friend decided to impress him with some amazing stories.
06:44So, he told him how he went on a trip to the North Pole.
06:48During his trip, he injured his leg and could no longer walk.
06:52His friends had to carry him to their shelter and call for help.
06:56On the way back, sleighs had begun to follow them.
07:00Santa Claus laughed and patted Luca's shoulder without saying anything.
07:10There are no sleighs in the North Pole. Santa Claus would know.
07:14The airport security stopped Santa Claus to check his luggage.
07:18When they opened his suitcase, there was nothing inside except a little water.
07:22The agents were confused and Santa Claus looked really upset.
07:26What had happened?
07:33Santa Claus was trying to transport the snowman, but he melted on the way.
07:39One day, Santa Claus was hungry.
07:41So, he decided to stop in a supermarket to buy food.
07:45He did not want to leave his gifts unsupervised, but he could not take them inside either.
07:50So, he left his bags near the entrance.
07:52Unfortunately, after paying for his purchases, he discovered that someone had taken all his gifts.
07:57Can you help Santa Claus find the thief?
08:07It's the man on the left.
08:08He is trying to hide the gifts he stole in his bag and his pockets.
08:14The day before Christmas, Marcus and Luisa went home and found Santa Claus lying unconscious on the floor in their living room.
08:21They called the police.
08:22When the agents arrived, they questioned the suspects.
08:26They were the children of the couple.
08:27Their 17-year-old daughter said she was on the phone with her boyfriend while her parents were away.
08:33Their twin sons said they had gone to bed early to get up early and unpack their gifts.
08:39And their youngest daughter said she wanted to surprise Santa Claus.
08:43So, she had prepared cookies for him.
08:45Look carefully at all the suspects and tell us who is to blame.
08:56I bet it's the youngest daughter.
08:57Look, the cookies she made contain peanuts.
09:01Santa Claus is probably allergic to them.
09:06Now, be very careful and try to spot Santa Claus' shadow.
09:10Where is it, according to you?
09:19Yes, the real Santa Claus is hiding in the C image. Ho ho ho!
