• 2 months ago
સુરેન્દ્રનગર જિલ્લાના એક ગામની સગીરાને ભગાડી જવાના કેસમાં સુરેન્દ્રનગરની સ્પેશિયલ પૉક્સો કોર્ટે આરોપીને 10 વર્ષની સજા ફટકારી છે.


00:00In the case of the student association court and the special postcode court,
00:06the police station in Dharamnagar,
00:08in the 2nd ward,
00:10in the village of Pokso,
00:12the accused, Rajkeshwar,
00:14was arrested.
00:16In the name of the court,
00:18Pokso has been sentenced to 10 years in prison
00:20under section 301 of the IPC.
00:22He has been ordered to be punished.
00:24He has been ordered to pay a fine of Rs. 1 lakh.
00:26He has been ordered to pay this fine
00:28of Rs. 2 lakhs in this manner,
00:30in a very unethical manner.
00:32I have been present there.
00:34I have been present
00:36at the demonstration.
00:38I was present there
00:40in an illicit meeting.
00:42I was present there
00:44in an illicit meeting.
00:46The accused, Rajkeshwar,
00:48has been sentenced to 10 years in prison
00:50under the section 101 of
00:52the IPC.
00:54He has been ordered to be punished.
