• 2 months ago
00:30vehicles will be commuting in all the premises, tell us about that.
00:36Anywhere there are no traffic restrictions, there are only instructions for traffic facilitations.
00:42So the idea behind facilitating the traffic and making certain special arrangements for
00:47the traffic is to ensure that people get an easy access to the bathing yards.
00:54The Honorable Chief Minister has made a clear direction that on the day of the bath people
00:59should not walk too much and they should park near the Ghat.
01:03So by that principle, on the day of the non-stand days, which is all the days between 13th of
01:09January to 26th of February, except the six important days, the people will be walking
01:16less than a kilometre.
01:17On the other days, they will be walking less than five kilometres.
01:20So that is the target which has been given, which we have more or less been able to achieve.
01:25So to clarify the entire issue, to clarify the scheme, this press conference was done
01:31so that our key stakeholders, which is the press, the social media, the visual media,
01:36they all participate and spread the message.
01:38I have a question in Hindi.
01:40A computerised Lost and Found Centre has been created in 10 places.
01:44We see that there is a saying that people got separated in the Akumbh Mela.
01:49A new, high-tech Lost and Found Centre has been built.
01:52Tell us about the details.
01:54The experience we had in Lost and Found in 2019 and the experience we had in the Maang Mela
02:00was very good.
02:02And we have upgraded our skillset a lot.
02:05This time, for Lost and Found, we have prepared ourselves so that the people who get separated
02:12can be reunited with their families very soon.
02:15Till now, the percentage of Lost and Found in Uttar Pradesh Police is around 90-96%.
02:20This time, we will try to meet that percentage and do better than that.
02:24For this, we have used Artificial Intelligence, the latest technology.
02:28We have also used camera feeds so that if any child is missing, their parents or guardians
02:36can be anywhere.
02:37If they go to any of our centres, the feed will be available from anywhere so that we
02:42can identify them quickly and rehabilitate them.
02:45In case of emergency, if there is a need for an air ambulance, how will the traffic be
02:51commuted for that?
02:53Or will an air ambulance be present inside the Mela field?
02:58For the flood planning, our air ambulance is an alternative.
03:02We have a water ambulance, we have other arrangements, we have a green corridor.
03:07And it is being trained and rehearsed again and again.
03:10So that if there is a flood in Maung Drill, we can deal with it immediately.
03:14At a total, how many vehicles will be commuting within the next 45 days in Prayagraj?
03:21And secondly, how many police force will be deployed to do this?
03:27We are foreseeing between 10,000-1,00,000 vehicles each day.
03:33And the police personnel is over 75,000.
03:37Thank you so much for giving your time to ANI sir.
04:02The Mahakumar 2025 is the biggest gathering of humanity.
04:08And in 2019, the police system was very good here.
04:14Now we are determined to give a better system here.
04:18And the Mahakumar festival should be celebrated here in a very safe and well-organized way.
04:24The Yatayat Vyastha Hetu plan has been distributed by all people today.
04:33So that people are aware of it.
04:36And they can come here comfortably and bathe here.
04:41As far as security is concerned, we are ensuring indispensable security here.
04:47In this, we have implemented a seven-layer security scheme.
04:52In which people will be checked at different levels.
04:57And the suspects will be identified.
