• 2 months ago
Jayson Tatum the #NBA MVP? Shai? Joker?
Are Celtics still too reliant on the 3? Mego joins!
00:00is your is your significant other listening uh i would guess he is i think he's he's being a real
00:06um soldier this morning and taking the dog out usually i have morning dog duty yeah and i think
00:11it's like 15 degrees outside so thank you thank you honey and everything's good there you're happy
00:16some some aren't happy with i'm very happy okay and i'm already sleeping on the couch so please
00:20did you get a text he didn't say that but i'm sure i'm not welcome in the bed tonight i was
00:25saying before i was telling courtney i am one of those people who has really bad spatial
00:30measurement awareness so like i can only measure things by a football field and
00:35she needs all the help she can get so she appreciates you saying that i'm very happy
00:40and secure in my sex life and that's all that matters courtney said there's plenty of room
00:45in the bed i don't know what she meant walking around here he's never coming to another show
00:51courtney well it's your fault i know it is only my fault yeah yeah all right well um we were
00:58talking earlier about this team and what they are and um we i think whatever the number is
01:06a hundred minutes maybe six uh over a handful handful plus a couple fingers of games that the
01:12starters have played together um is that an explanation for you know when you look at them
01:18and go why did they lose that game you know is is it from your perspective because you're there
01:23all the time watching them so i think that there's some of that if the lineup wasn't together you
01:28know like if you have these nights if they had lost the first two games of this four game road
01:33trip against minnesota and houston they had lost one of those where they didn't have jaylen brown
01:37i'd say well come on guys like these guys aren't even in their rotations together i just don't like
01:42the excuse of everybody was healthy and that's why they lost to okc i cannot accept i understand
01:50that basketball is a rhythm sport and these guys need to get in rhythm with their rotations with
01:56the starting five together and then the three off the bench but at the same time i'm just not going
02:01to give that excuse i don't think it's logical right when it comes to chris stops last night
02:06with the rebounds specifically it seems like he is more comfortable i i get it that he's still
02:11coming back from an injury but it seems like he's more confident and comfortable with his recovery
02:15i don't know if you saw that from him he did go down at one point and that was worrisome but it
02:19seems like he's on the way up yeah i feel like everybody's being very ginger with christophe
02:24sports i guess this year because he's coming back from that injury and he only played 14 games up
02:29until last night so i feel like it's just kind of hard to ballpark anything that's going on with
02:34him right now and i think everybody's just hyper sensitive because anytime he goes down anytime
02:39he springs up especially with a soft tissue injury you're like oh god there's the christophe
02:44that you signed there's the christophe that you knew um i agree with you i feel like he's getting
02:48back into form and obviously when he's out there he stretches the floor so he improves everything
02:53that they want to do from a three-point perspective i think it's just quite frankly it's hard to watch
02:58right now and not like be expecting impending doom all the time and i get it in the twitch chat
03:04somebody says who cares it's the regular season nobody cares about the you know what happens in
03:09the nba regular season i'm with you who the hell cares there's not a team that's going to beat this
03:13okay there are trends you can identify trends yeah but even with the trends right so look at
03:19their trend they they they had a really good road trip but their trend is when you base a team
03:25entirely on a three-point offense and you're not hitting your threes then that's an issue for a
03:32basketball team yeah i think it's interesting when greg when you look at some of the individual
03:37cases of the three-point shooting on this team drew holiday christophe sporting is sam hauser
03:43jaylen brown they're all pretty well under their percentage from last year and what all those guys
03:50have in common is that they've been in and out of the lineup with various injuries christophe's way
03:54more than anybody so i do think like there's trends there you can't just point it and say
03:58oh look the rest of the league figured out the three-point shooting i think unless the rest of
04:03the league is full of morons they knew that the three-point shooting was the strategy about 12
04:08games into last season especially since joe mizula said it after just about every other
04:14game in post-game press conferences to gary washburn so i do think some of this is yes
04:19they're like rhythms to the season i'm not going to give the celtics credit for a loss when
04:24everybody's healthy and say they're just not used to each other but i am going to look at those
04:28individual cases and say well somebody like sam hauser who had a lingering back injury throughout
04:33most of the start of this season he's not up to his 40 plus percent from three-point line because
04:39he's getting back into that um jason tatum eastern conference player of the week uh the only guy to
04:46win that a couple times this season so far where where is he in the mvp conversation right now
04:51would you guess so the latest kia mvp ladder the official one that the nba puts out had him at four
04:59and he was at five the week previously i think that he's still going to finish around the three
05:05or four spot and i know people feel like that's ridiculous because it's the top nba team in the
05:10celtics even though it's not like rankings wise but most people would agree they're the most
05:14talented team i just continue to look around the league and a game like the other night against okc
05:21where it's him straight up against sga like i just don't think that's going to help his case
05:26when he drops that game did a great job on anthony edwards yes he did last thursday night both both
05:31physically and mentally yes it seemed like well he's not going to get it because of the talent he
05:36has around them that that's you know that's the only reason why you know they'll probably end up
05:41giving it to the joker again because of of what you know he's able to do like but if you look at
05:47like tatum's road numbers here over the past really good ridiculous he's better on the road
05:52this season than he is at home and it's he's not he's great at home but he's like it's a as you
05:57noted like it's a big difference it's like at least a five point difference last time i checked
06:01this team like that greg that's what they are though they're they're gonna shoot the threes
06:07and more often than not those shots are gonna fall so that's why it's gonna be very difficult
06:14to beat them in a seven game series and beat them four times because they'll shoot 50 they'll
06:20average 50 through the series and they're gonna have multiple nights where they're shooting
06:2638 39 from three point land and that's what they do also side note anthony edwards whining after
06:34that game about he doesn't want to be in the league if they're gonna double him and he's
06:40he just has to pass the basketball like how's the team attitude going there so anthony edwards
06:46minnesota is in a weird spot like this is one thing i'd say that goes very much in the celtics
06:51favor at least as we stand here today there is not the dysfunction that you see with a lot of
06:56these other teams it's not just anthony edwards look at the evolving jimmy butler situation
07:01that is completely bizarre and so i think like you look at that and you go anthony edwards
07:07can be a really exciting superstar i know some people aren't as enthusiastic about jason tatum
07:13but at least he got the steadiness here do you think that's a credit to joe missoula for keeping
07:18everybody in line i think it's a credit to the entire organization i think it's just kind of
07:22how they roll like they're a very professional organization they haven't they haven't always been
07:27as steady in terms of some of the guys that have been in and out of that locker room but i know you
07:31love marcus smart but okay that's that's not who i was talking about well i'm just
07:39he was he was but there were issues see i think i don't know maybe we should go back to some
07:43measurement we're all done with that we're all done with the measurement conversation
07:48he's not even here he hasn't been here for years now but i think with this celtics team the thing
07:53that really to me uh megal that sets them apart from everybody else is the fact that they have on
08:02any given night they have guys like derek white drew holiday uh porzingis who can lead the team
08:09and score and go out there and score 28 25 27 but and then you're always going to have tatum
08:15and brown when you start to look at the teams and i say like who worries you like they're like even
08:22with okc all right you got you got you got sga i'm not really concerned about uh uh what they'll
08:31do or chet um oh chet holmgren yeah i'm not really concerned with him like they're a good basketball
08:36team and i think they play good defense but they're not going to beat the celtics in a seven
08:40game series and who else is going to threaten them we already talked about the dysfunction
08:46and uh some of those other places like milwaukee i think has a lot of dysfunction even though they
08:50got yannis and dame lillard so when you look at the celtics and where they are i don't have
08:56any concerns whatsoever where are as our celtics insider here at wei have you heard anything at
09:03all about the sale of the franchise all quiet all quiet they're not getting the money that they want
09:09i wonder how much and this is just speculation it is the just complications of the finances
09:16of the sale because you've got all these different factors where you don't have obviously
09:22the arena you don't have property that you're attaching to the sale you have these impending
09:27salary numbers that are going to be really heavy on you the next couple years and so you're looking
09:33at it and going how do you ensure that whoever buys this team is not going to be operating at
09:38a loss over the next couple years like from a business perspective everybody's out there you
09:42have the league pushing you have owners pushing wanting this to be upwards to uh six billion six
09:48billion dollars sale i don't care if you're bezos you're not going to pay six billion no when you
09:53don't own the building so i think but of course the own the other owners want that and so i have
10:00to imagine that there's also a contingency around boston that really wants pags to be the the
10:07leadership of whatever group comes in and buys it and so i think it's just a more complicated sale
10:14than maybe a lot of people uh looking from the outside thought when they announced it last summer
10:19of who wouldn't want to buy the world champs who wouldn't want to buy the celtics who are one of
10:23these uh foundational franchises of a league like it's just a lot more and they're probably i i i
10:29wonder if they're torn because you said with pags they're probably looking at it he's probably
10:34knowing all the issues and going okay i'll buy it but at a lesser price and where uh somebody who
10:41who might be out there basil so somebody who's completely detached from ownership now looks at
10:48it and goes i'm not giving you that price until because you made a great point until you secure
10:54a piece of land somewhere that you can tie into this um deal for me to build a new arena wherever
11:00that is in you know massachusetts natick i don't care wherever it is the new owner's got to say
11:06when it comes to billions from the outside it might look like six but when you actually when
11:13you get closer to it it's actually four right you know what i'm saying and that's a lot i'm saying
11:18two billion is massive seven dominated the world time deleted can i just uh save courtney for a
11:25second yes and mago is self-expert sports expert on all topics i just am reading the first we were
11:31wondering when the uh the bob holering of gerard mayo would begin yes the athletic new york times
11:38chad graff has a story that i've just started to read a couple of interesting nuggets one after the
11:44patriots had a brutal loss in the arizona game they flew back from arizona to providence's airport
11:54and generally speaking wiggy you would know coaches sit in the front players toward the back yeah
12:01the assistant coaches stayed in front gerard mayo was in the back of the plane playing cards with
12:05the players after that game miffing or players were miffed by that another yeah yes that's chad
12:14and then another one in this story is that while we all heard that steve belichick was offered the
12:19opportunity to remain on the staff brian oh sorry good yeah what we weren't told was that he was
12:26asked to get a demotion that covington was going to be the play caller steve belichick could be
12:32on the staff but he would no longer be the defensive coordinator oh interesting who do you
12:37want as the next head coach here i want for able you do yeah i do i i just i know people are really
12:44excited about ben johnson and what he could bring in ben johnson over everything i know i know shime
12:48i've seen all your posts i know people are excited about what he could bring with drake
12:52may but i just don't have the appetite to go from another rookie head coach to another rookie head
12:57coach are you confident i don't think santo wants us talking about ben johnson right i believe it's
13:04ben's johnson i i guess maybe like i guess i can uh see shime's point just a little bit so i would
13:11are you confident that with vrabel he hires the right guy on offense yes i am okay i am i think
13:19mike rabel got such a raw deal in tennessee and when you see them ousting their gm yesterday it's
13:25just apparent the dysfunction down in that franchise and so i look at it and i think
13:30rabel if you are the crafts and you looked over this last season and said oh this everything by
13:37committee turns out like was really hard to execute week to week and build a program over
13:42a year you want to turn to somebody who's going to bring in and immediately install a program like
13:47jim harbaugh did with the chargers and i think out of all your candidates rabel or flores are the
13:54guys that can come in immediately and do that now people out there are going to say i don't want
13:59anything to do with belichick i don't want anything to do with a retread from the patriots i just
14:03think that's a simplification i think that's kind of idiotic also i understand that there's a lot
14:08of coaches that were assistants under belichick and people are tired of retreads or whatever they
14:13want to call it but why are you throwing the baby out with the bath water like it's kind of weird
14:17to me that people are like i don't want anything from those 20 years of success get it out of here
14:24and move on it was awful i'm like graphs let him do that though yes i very much think so like all
14:30this fuss about elliot wolf is on is still on right now elliot wolf is still yeah the guy has
14:35a contract with the team like they're they're gonna bring in a head coach and then decide what
14:40they do based on that coach's vision but i do think that they're gonna probably be more willing
14:46to hand over the reins to somebody who comes in and says this is how the organization
14:52across the board should run and we're gonna run it this way this is our vision
14:56mega thank you anytime go commanders go commanders big game big game guys sorry baker mayfield it's
15:03time when they win this football game yes okay all right baker mayfield all right i love baker
15:08mayfield i know you do he would be more than jayden uh no jayden's good but baker mayfield
15:14is probably uh fourth in mvp voting because of the c i mean the season that he's having you
15:22got to give the kid credit and i listen i like i like jayden as well um but you know when it comes
15:29to like playoffs one guy's got a little bit more experience and i believe bill wanted him instead
15:35of mac if i remember correctly yeah uh all right thank you mego thanks guys
