• 2 months ago
👉 Un robo fue frustrado gracias a la rápida acción de un vecino en la zona en el conurbano oeste. La familia amenazada por un delincuente armado con un destornillador pudo evitar una situación peor gracias a la activación de una alarma vecinal. A pesar de las medidas de seguridad implementadas, los residentes expresan su preocupación y descontento ante la creciente inseguridad en el área.


00:00Mrs, how are you living here?
00:03The truth is that it is a disaster. We live with a lot of fear and every day something different.
00:08If they don't enter a house, they enter with people, without people.
00:11They entered with a neighbor around.
00:13And here in front, they entered on the 2nd, they looted the house.
00:17When was this?
00:18On January 2.
00:19Ah, just a little.
00:20Of course, when they entered through the street of Cabral, there they also wanted to steal.
00:25On the 2nd they entered impunity, the cars at the door.
00:29They loaded everything, they had about two hours and they left.
00:32The neighbors around here also entered, there were about six and they left in the car.
00:37Here, here there were also a lot of hooded.
00:40We have all the recordings of everything that is happening here.
00:43But nobody listens to us.
00:45It is a very nice neighborhood.
00:46It is a very nice neighborhood, but the same thing happens everywhere.
00:51The boys, we are all afraid of our children because we enter and leave at any time.
00:56And with a lot of fear, with a lot of fear.
00:59Last night, here near, I have a property, a door of blindex.
01:05They broke it, that is, the entrance of the building.
01:09They broke the door to take the locks.
01:12No, no.
01:14Here they steal everything, the water caps.
01:18You have to be careful with the gas things.
01:21There is no schedule.
01:22From day to night, at any time.
01:25Here was parked my daughter's car, here at the door.
01:28It has an Eco Sport, just like that.
01:30They stole the tire in front of us.
01:32In front of the house.
01:33In front of us.
01:34Open to business, day.
01:37That is, day and night the same.
01:39All the same, all the same.
01:41A very important neighborhood here is that it is taken, for example, to Villa Jaló Gardel, to Frentafax.
01:45Let's say it's very well known.
01:46Sure, sure.
01:47Here you have direct access to anywhere.
01:51Yes, trucks already stole two Toyotas from us.
01:54With weapons.
01:56They stole me, they put the gun in my throat and they took me out in a truck a few blocks from here.
02:01And my husband, did you see at Portinar de Rocha?
02:04There he was going to play football, he parked the truck too.
02:07They stole it from him.
02:09A lot of this?
02:10More or less.
02:11Yes, yes, yes.
02:12No, no.
02:13We live very badly, very badly.
02:14Do you complain?
02:16We march.
02:17We march.
02:18We no longer know what to do.
02:19Because you notice that we have a neighbor alarm, we have fences, private alarms.
02:27We are searching for a fence.
02:30And nevertheless, here around, there is a fence, they also entered.
02:34So we no longer know what to do.
02:36Who to complain to.
02:37I'll be back in a little while.
02:38I'm going to continue this tour.
02:40Because I was going to go around the area a little bit, which the woman also just revealed to us.
02:46You look at how the neighbors live.
02:49Electrified fence.
02:51We came 20 meters back.
02:53They no longer know what to do.
02:54The list that Fabi gave you of all the measures they took and have been taking for a few years.
02:59Well, it has no limit.
03:01The imagination cannot go further.
03:05Look at you, in addition to the fences.
03:08Above we have electric fence danger.
03:11Of course.
03:12All this corner or square, let's say, absolutely everything is surrounded by these wires that have electricity.
03:22Absolutely everything.
03:23Double camera in some of the houses too.
03:27Well, exactly.
03:31In all the houses they have their camera.
03:34It's a panopticon.
03:35To visualize prevention.
03:36It's a TV studio.
03:37Of course.
03:38And also, fence, a big giant brother.
03:42And also, in the corner, for example, it has a fence.
03:45What happened?
03:46Around is the house that was violated.
03:50And there is a fence in the corner that has night security.
03:55What did the security guard say?
03:58That he did not see anything.
03:59Of course, the man to whom the house was violated does not pay.
04:04He does not agree, he does not pay, he has no money, whatever.
04:07Of course.
04:08So, not paying, the security guard, who may be sleeping or not, or was walking around,
04:13you will know why, he will know how to give his justifications, said he did not see anything.
04:18And the truth is that the cars came out of here, precisely,
04:22after having stolen this mother and these two children.
04:26Now, threatened with a screwdriver?
04:29Fabi, not even a gun.
04:33Yes, look, what happens is that they do not know where they entered.
04:37Of course.
04:38That is, they did not enter from the front, they entered from behind.
04:41With which they do not know where, of course, exactly.
04:44What they presume, here about 20 meters there is an abandoned house,
04:48they could have entered here.
04:50And since the pool has an electrified fence, but in the back also,
04:53not only in the front there is, it may be that they have touched the fence
04:57and the alarm has been activated at one thirty in the morning.
04:59When the alarm is activated, it is then where ...
05:02And of course, that's why it lasted so little, five, six minutes, they leave, they leave.
05:07They had already stolen an envelope that the man had with money and some other little things.
05:12And the man, one of the men, is marked with, in the hand, now we are going to see a note that we made,
05:17with a kind of pick or screwdriver,
05:20which is what they would have forced the back door to be able to enter.
05:24But if you think it's okay, we can hear the words of one of the victims.
05:30I was asleep and suddenly, like, I don't know, electricity or something,
05:34and I say, what is this?
05:35Well, a raid, police.
05:38They took me to the bottom, where my mother and my brother are.
05:41And where are the dollars? And that I kill you.
05:44And where are the dollars?
05:45Where are the dollars? What they always tell you.
05:47Of course, of course.
05:48That's why what I was telling my brother didn't last long, because ...
05:50And that I kill you, I don't know, and he left.
05:52And suddenly we see that he leaves, the one who was with us,
05:55he goes down the stairs to get off.
05:59And I don't know, we didn't understand anything.
06:01What happened? Well, there I went to the dormitory and I saw that ...
06:06I saw that they were leaving with the car.
06:09And well, I got off and the police arrived, that was it.
06:12Were they very violent?
06:13Yes, with my brother more than anything.
06:15He cut me here.
06:16He cut my hand here.
06:18The other thing that happens to me is that it was more the force with the pick that I had.
06:21What did you have? What did you threaten them with?
06:23It was a pick.
06:24A screwdriver?
06:25A punch, a pick, yes.
06:26Of course.
06:28They entered through the back.
06:29How could they have entered?
06:30Of course, what I was just telling you.
06:32They entered through that house for me.
06:34It is uninhabited.
06:35It is uninhabited, yes, yes.
06:36And they left because they were alerted by an alarm or something?
06:39Of course, because what I was telling you, the neighbor's alarm rang,
06:43which I want to thank him and his wife,
06:46and thanks to them I was able to get to the police station,
06:49because if not, I don't know.
06:50And then the alarm rang to him.
06:52Now we had to put it on.
06:54It was electric.
06:56The alarm rang to him and he heard the footsteps.
07:00And there it was that, well, he looked out the window and says he saw one there.
07:05He saw one standing, even with a white shoe.
07:08And they entered through the kitchen window, which is here.
07:10Did they have their faces covered?
07:11Yes, they had, like, mountain passes, you see.
07:14And well, they entered, I don't know, what I was just telling you.
07:17Did they stir a lot?
07:19Luckily, not so much.
07:21They didn't steal anything from me, luckily.
07:23I was lucky.
07:24I, in particular.
07:25Then, well, my brother was robbed of money and ...
07:28How long have they been there, more or less?
07:30How long have they been there?
07:31How long?
07:32How long have they been inside?
07:33It's been 10, 15 minutes.
07:34I don't know if it's on the camera.
07:35It's on the camera.
07:36Of course, of course, of course.
07:37Because there's a camera that gets to a white car.
07:40But they left quietly.
07:42And what I saw on the camera, they walk away.
07:44I don't know, I don't know.
07:45That's it.
07:46And after two hours they left.
07:47It wasn't a jeep.
07:49It's a jeep brand.
07:50Now they went in through the back and left through the front.
07:52How did they leave through the front?
07:53With the keys inside?
07:54Of course, because they opened the gate.
07:56That's the modus operandi.
07:58This house, they look for that house with a gate.
08:02And they're smart.
08:03The day before, when they came back here,
08:05they would have seen that this house could be entered easily.
08:08This house, not the other one.
08:11That house was uninhabited.
08:13Of course.
08:14But I don't know how they get in there.
08:15I don't know.
08:16They take advantage of it at this time of year.
08:19And how is the neighborhood?
08:21As always.
08:22Unfortunately, there is little relationship between the neighbors.
08:24Because it's not the neighbors' fault.
08:26If you're talking, they come and steal you.
08:28I know few people from here.
08:31Here next to this one and the lady in front.
08:33Is your mother okay?
08:34Yes, luckily.
08:35Let's say physically.
08:37But then you have the trauma, right?
08:40Well, thank you very much.
08:41No, thank you.
08:42Well, very kind sir.
08:43Sorry for the delay.
08:44Well, physically he's fine.
08:45But then you have traumas, says the neighbor Fabian.
08:48And that's the way it is.
08:49Because no one takes that bad moment out of you.
08:54Of course.
08:55The house that referred to this man is this one.
08:58That is abandoned.
08:59That he assumes that they could enter there.
09:02Towards the interior.
09:04Go through the other house.
09:06And enter directly to his house.
09:09But as the woman said too.
09:11This is not the only robbery.
09:13You will have heard that on January 2.
09:15They unpacked another house that is around.
09:18Which is not an isolated event either.
09:20As is, Fabi.
09:21We continue working there in the area.
09:23A flirtatious area.
09:25Very beautiful.
09:26Very beautiful.
09:27Very beautiful.
09:28Very beautiful.
09:29Very beautiful.
09:30Very beautiful.
09:31Very beautiful.
09:32Very beautiful.
09:33Very beautiful.
09:34Very beautiful.
09:35Very beautiful.
09:36Very beautiful.
09:37Very beautiful.
09:38Very beautiful.
09:39Very beautiful.
09:40Very beautiful.
09:41Very beautiful.
09:42Very beautiful.
09:43Very beautiful.
09:44Very beautiful.
09:45Very beautiful.
09:46Very beautiful.
09:47Very beautiful.
09:48Very beautiful.
09:49Very beautiful.
09:50Very beautiful.
09:51Very beautiful.
09:52Very beautiful.
09:53Very beautiful.
09:54Very beautiful.
