• 2 months ago
अलवर कोतवाली थाना क्षेत्र में ज्वेलर्स की दुकान से चोर लाखों का सामान चोरी कर ले गए. पुलिस ने मामले की जांच शुरू की है.


00:00I came to know at around 7 in the morning that the shutters were open and the locks were broken.
00:06When I came to the shop, I saw that all the stuff was spread out.
00:15Then we called the Sonambak police station.
00:18Around 8 in the morning, two police officers came and took a photo of the shutters.
00:26Then they took a photo of the spread out stuff.
00:29How much did you steal?
00:31Around 11.5 kgs of silver was stolen.
00:35And 40 grams of gold.
00:37This is a goldsmith's shop.
00:40I don't even know the exact amount.
00:43It's more than that.
00:45I have made a list of all the things I remember.
00:49Old silver, old stuff.
00:52The thieves broke the shutters and took 10-11 kgs of silver and 40 grams of gold.
01:01As soon as they got the news, they came here.
01:08The shutters were open.
01:10The thieves cleaned the shop and took the stuff.
01:17They reported to the police station.
01:20They assured us that they will catch the thieves.
01:25At around 1.30 in the night, there was a theft alert.
01:32In the morning, the neighbours came to know about it.
01:35The police came to the spot.
01:37They came to the spot and checked the CCTV footage.
01:42They took the stuff to the spot.
