• 4 days ago
Naz (Sinem Ünsal) is a recent graduate of the police academy and lives with her uncle and her mother, a protective character. The police department, which is in pursuit of a mafia boss named Tarık Koşuoğlu (Tardu Flordun), decides to use Naz and a crazy police officer Pamir (Halit Özgür Sarı) together on an undercover mission. Pamir and Naz will move across the street from the mafia family's house like a newly married couple, gain Tarik Koşuoğlu's trust, and bring him to justice…

Cast: Sinem Ünsal, Halit Özgür Sarı, Tardu Flordun, Bülent Emrah Parlak, Şinasi Yurtsever, Ece Dizdar, Selçuk Borak, İdris Nebi Taşkan, Emrullah Çakay, Fulden Akyürek, Erşan Utku Ölmez, Hasan Elmas ve Şebnem Sönmez


#Undercover #sinemünsal #HalitÖzgürSarı


00:30You know, I have great news for you.
00:34Oh, what is it?
00:35Are you ready? I'll be there soon.
00:38I called Chief Sadullah.
00:40I gave him the documents.
00:42And I'm on my way to pick him up.
00:44Oh, that's great.
00:45But mom, I mean, there's no need.
00:48Is that possible?
00:49I said, come and pick him up.
00:51I said, Sadullah.
00:52I said, the documents.
00:53He came and picked him up.
00:54Do you think it's bad?
00:56Are you delivering documents to the Chief?
00:59Of course, he asked for it himself.
01:01Didn't he say, whatever you want, whatever you desire, call me?
01:04I said, I needed a visa.
01:06I said, come and pick him up.
01:07He came and picked up the documents.
01:09Do you think it's bad?
01:10Look, I'll come to you.
01:11I'll cook for you.
01:12And you'll eat your mom's food like this.
01:14You'll go to school and come back.
01:15Oh, I missed your food so much.
01:19So you didn't miss me.
01:20You missed the food, didn't you?
01:22Don't say that, dear.
01:23That's a different story.
01:24You and my uncle are on my nerves.
01:26What did he really do?
01:28How's the restaurant business going?
01:31Oh, I don't know.
01:33I can't be your uncle's liar.
01:35Ask yourself.
01:36What's up?
01:37What happened?
01:38Yes, dear.
01:39Come, come.
01:40Your nephew misses you.
01:41Ask him something.
01:42Let's see what he'll tell you.
01:44Uncle's daughter.
01:45How are you today?
01:46I'm fine, uncle.
01:47How are you?
01:48How's the restaurant business going?
01:50Don't ask.
01:51It's very complicated.
01:53Everyone is coming after me, uncle.
01:56I don't understand.
01:57I called the restaurant manager the other day.
01:59He said, Chief Namık.
02:00I said, yes.
02:01He said, this can't be.
02:02I said, what happened?
02:03He said, everyone is eating their fingers.
02:06People can't hold a knife because they don't have fingers, uncle.
02:10It's that bad.
02:11So everyone is left without fingers.
02:12No finger.
02:13No finger.
02:14No finger.
02:15No one has a finger.
02:16That's how it is.
02:17Uncle, I missed you so much.
02:19I would love to be here right now.
02:22I wish.
02:23Wish you were here, uncle.
02:25Okay, anyway.
02:26I'm hanging up.
02:27We'll talk later.
02:28Take care of yourself.
02:29Take care of each other.
02:30Do you want to say something?
02:31I love you so much, honey.
02:34See you later.