• 2 months ago
A young woman tries to cope with life while coming to terms with her abilities as a psychic. She can see everyone's futu | dHNfbGE4RFR2R1lsNTQ


00:01Let's begin
00:03I'm seeing a romance
00:05I'm seeing the initials JM monogrammed on his pillowcases. Are you kidding me? You slept with Jason?
00:16You know, I always thought I was a little psychic are you doing the reading or no just put your hands on the
00:20You will fall in love. It's gonna be unlike anything you've ever experienced be a wedding and a family
00:36I'm not supposed to see my own future. It's never happened before. I was married with a kid. No way
00:43You have to like talk to people to get married
00:46This is a happy thing. Why are you fighting that you have been my psychic since I was in seventh grade, bitch
00:51Don't age me like that. Okay
00:54Relationships have been impossible for me. This is me high-fiving an elephant's paw. Oh
01:00It's kind of hard to explain but it's like when two people
01:07You know as well as I do that the future always shows up whether you want it to or not
01:12I'm the new neighbor Jesse. Don't worry, babe. I saved the heavy boxes for you. Then Maggie. Hi. What are you doing here?
01:19I live here. I live here now with Jesse. I did not see that coming
01:25It's no picnic raising a psychic no woman needs her teen daughter forecasting her hot flashes like the weather report. That was actually helpful
01:38I saw myself ending up with Ben. I was wrong and I end up alone. There are some perks to being single
01:44Oh, I haven't gotten tongue in a while. That being said it sounds like a nightmare and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
01:54Your problem is you can see the future but you never see past it what's past the future Oh, honey
02:04This is gonna be good