• la semaine dernière
Film Thriller réalisé par B.J. Novak.
Avec B.J. Novak (Ben Manalowitz), Boyd Holbrook (Ty Shaw), J. Smith-Cameron (Sharon Shaw), Issa Rae (Eloise), Ashton Kutcher (Quentin Sellers), Dove Cameron (Jasmine), Zach Villa (Sancholo), Isabella Amara (Paris Shaw), Analeigh Tipton (Abilene Shaw), Louanne Stephens (Carole Shaw), John Mayer (John Mayer), Rio Alexander (le shérif Jimenez).

Synopsis :
Ben Manalowitz, journaliste radio et podcasteur à New York, est un séducteur qui multiplie les relations d'un soir. Il est un jour contacté par un certain Ty Shaw qui lui annonce que sa soeur Abby, qu'il pense être la petite amie de Ben, est décédée. Ce dernier n'a qu'un lointain souvenir d'Abby avec laquelle il a entretenu une relation très courte. Il décide néanmoins de se rendre au Texas pour assister à ses obsèques. Là, il apprend par Ty qu'Abby a sans doute été assassinée. Après avoir convaincu sa productrice que l'enquête sur le décès de la jeune femme ferait un excellent sujet pour son podccast, Ben accepte d'aider Ty à découvrir la vérité....

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00:00I have a story
00:03Welcome to Texas
00:06I have a story
00:09Okay, I'm in West Texas where this family just lost their daughter to an opiate overdose. Oh my god, I'm so sorry
00:16It's okay. It's not someone I was close to but you flew to Texas for it
00:21Yes, it was a girl I hooked up with a few times her family thought that we were more serious than I did
00:26I've heard so much about you. I've I've heard
00:33Abilene just didn't die. She was murdered
00:36What the two of us we want to venture death. So as like a personal boundary, I don't avenge deaths
00:44But here's what I can't do. I'm gonna record everything that you think happened to Abilene
00:49And we'll put it on a podcast and we'll see where it leads
00:56Nothing and that's the story
00:59What's this podcast about? A new American reality where people invent these conspiracies. You got deep state, pill pushers, cartels, the law
01:08Because the truth is too hard to accept
01:14My Prius exploded. Oh my god, what if you're driving a real car with gas and stuff?
01:20The problem isn't that these people aren't smart. The problem is that they are. How do you take your coffee? In the mouth
01:26If you want people to open up to you, you gotta act like one of us
01:31Who here is a die-hard fan of the University of Texas?
01:37And who here is a fan of Texas Tech?
01:44What if she was murdered?
01:45This just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Looks like two pairs of Prince cowboy boots. Calling out an APB to find two men wearing cowboy boots
01:56What happened to her? Why do you care so much? Why do you care so little?
02:00We're so lucky you knew Abilene. I really don't know what you're talking about. Heart sees heart.
02:10You can't solve something like this with a .45. It's the breakdown of society is what it is.
02:16I think that's fair to ask. You're gonna need a 12 gauge, a couple of ARs, Western Automatic and a sidearm for safety.
02:23Where are you right now? I'm in an Uber.
