• 2 months ago


00:44Get my bundle
01:48Just say about our today's
01:51Program which was held in Afar but Congaree. What was it actually? Sure. My name is Brian Newman. I am the
01:59Expert that has been hired by the Department of Tourism to lead this key patrol here at go mark today
02:05We were performing avalanche mitigation to prepare the ski area for opening to guests for skiing and snowboarding
02:11That avalanche mitigation uses explosives to artificially trigger avalanches within the area of the ski area
02:19What you should do after you finish your interview with me is pan up to the entire mountain range and notice that
02:26One area is the inside of the ski area. The rest of that area is outside of the ski area now
02:32We do not apply avalanche mitigation to those areas because they are not specifically the ski area within the ski area
02:40Our risk management plan uses explosives to try to render those slopes safe. So skiers know where they can go
02:54That are triggered by these
02:56Elements a great question. So
02:58Avalanches can be triggered by a number of means
03:01right, but what we often see in the media is when an avalanche happens in go mark and someone is killed an
03:08avalanche strikes go mark ski area
03:10The fact of that matter is is an avalanche has never injured or killed a person inside go mark ski area
03:16Those avalanches have always happened outside of the ski area
03:20And so that is the important thing that guests must understand and our greater public here in India
03:26Thanks very much
03:59Was able to source some
04:01From our
04:23Single arc double
