• 2 months ago
Are Van Pelt and Covington returning? Should they?
00:00I want to get you on record when it comes to the games this weekend, but you said earlier
00:06You are a Mike Vrabel guy. That's your pick
00:10I mean your issue with Ben Johnson who has
00:15apparently expressed interest in interviewing is
00:18That you're dealing with the same thing you dealt with with Mayo where you don't have the experience as a head coach, right?
00:24Am I right?
00:26me like
00:28Vrabel checks all the boxes. Yes. I'm a little biased to play wouldn't got some championships
00:32You know, he helped me get a pick in the Super Bowl
00:34I always credit Mike Vrabel for that errant throw, but he has the head coaching experience and success
00:40He has there as a player. He has success. He's been to multiple organizations as a player and the coach. I'm like
00:48What what else do you want?
00:49You know when you're looking for a head coach and he played in the building
00:52He understands culture if any even if he creates his own he understands what culture means to a locker room
00:59Well, doesn't Brian Flores bring that same?
01:03scenario to you somebody who's been in the building and
01:06Knows how things worked here. And I would say Floret Flores would be
01:12also a
01:13Decent pick but what is he an extension of Belichick?
01:16He coached under Belichick Vrabel did not coach under Belichick
01:20which I think is a big difference that differentiates themselves from everyone else because
01:26Hey, I do my own thing. I got success my own way of coaching
01:30Does Vrabel bring back the the hard-ass keep everything in-house type of mentality because we think well
01:36At least I think that the craft swung too far towards Gerard to be willy-nilly with the team friendly
01:43And maybe they're gonna swing really far back towards the Belichick way
01:47III think I think they will do so look if it ain't broke don't fix it
01:52It was getting broken with coach Belichick
01:54But you still want to keep that essence of what made those six championships there Mike Vrabel is
02:01Responsible for three of those, you know, he was a big part of that team. So I think that it's a no-brainer
02:08Finally back up the truck get that man his money
02:12Interview whatever you got to do
02:13But that job should be first and foremost in my opinion if I was in that sitting in that seat
02:20Mike Vrabel will be my number one choice. The only money is never an issue over there
02:25The only issue I have what's Mike Vrabel 110 million a year. I bet he's probably about eight nine million a year
02:32Yeah, yeah, I bet he's somewhere in that ballpark. The only problem that that I have
02:35It's not a problem with Vrabel the problem that I think they potentially could run into
02:40What did Bill say was the main reason why it went less left the last four years?
02:46What was that? What was the thing that Bill said to with him and Bill Kyle were on the show explain why no
02:52No, but that's when the two of them were not on the same page. They're not on the same starting four years ago
02:56They're not on the same page. I think that page was just to be specific. Is that
03:02Robert allowed Tom to leave without a franchise tag
03:07That was the agreement and so Bill and Robert Bill viewing Tom as he would view anybody
03:13Said if we're gonna lose Tom
03:16We should get something. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and I think that's the beginning of the end. I'm not to get into not whose side what side
03:22No, I Curtis I it could be either way
03:24I think I take bill in his word when he said last night that the timeline was four years ago, right?
03:31where the the
03:35The anger the frustration whatever it was the disagreement between the two of them started I take him at his word there
03:43I don't know if it was that Robert wanted to keep Tom Brady and Bill did not or if it was that
03:49Tied, you know
03:51Bill wanted Robert to pay Tom Brady and Robert didn't want to pay him, you know two years 50 million
03:57Whatever, but all I'm saying is there was the thing that Bill talked about is that you have to be on the same page
04:02with the ownership the front office and the head coach is
04:07Vrabel's the type of guy and he had the issues in Tennessee because he wasn't on the same page with the GM
04:14Right. So are you gonna allow Mike Vrabel to come in and go? I want my guy as the GM
04:23Well, I because we've seen them we stood up there yesterday and said Elliot Wolfe is still employed but they've said that with everybody
04:29Right, right. So that's the only we said that with Jackson today, right?
04:33If they move on from Elliot Wolfe, then I'll feel like okay now
04:38They're giving Vrabel the keys to the car and are they willing to yeah, give that back
04:44Would you keep what coordinator wise would you keep Alex van Pelt around?
04:48Do you think he's done a good job with Drake May is he?
04:52Hell no, okay
04:54No, you don't you don't keep around because that's a part of why everybody getting fired. You know what I mean?
04:59It's not just dry mail same as the market staff same with the Marcus Covington
05:05They got they got to go now if you want to keep a position coach here or there
05:08But you want to make the change make the change because Vrabel comes in or whoever comes in Ben Johnson any head coach
05:16They're gonna want to bring their own guys in if I don't know who would take the job
05:20If I couldn't bring my own guys in when you talk about Elliot Wolfe
05:24Being the GM if you're gonna get Vrabel that might be one of his stipulations
05:29I'll take the job, but I need my guy in there
05:32Well, I'm not gonna take the job because I got other options out here
05:34So it depends on who the head coach is now if somebody's just
05:38happy to be a head coach like Gerard not saying that he shouldn't have took the money an
05:42Opportunity because guess what how many times do we get opportunities to be a head coach in in the National Football League?
05:48So that's what you're gonna leverage. That's your first time here coach. You're gonna take less money
05:52Then you're gonna earn it on the second go around
05:55Vrabel ain't coming in like that Vrabel say I'm gonna want this and most of the head coaches, right?
06:00They had experience
06:01I'm gonna want this amount of money and I'm gonna want my guys
06:03Right even more of a slap in the face for Gerard because they didn't let him do that when he came here, right?
06:08He didn't get his own guys in there. It was all
06:16I don't care. I don't care. He's still your head coach. Like the fact that he didn't know anybody like
06:22The league you think he'd you think he knew who he wanted as his offensive I
06:28mean, I I just he
06:31Greg if you have five years where you know, he's gonna be the guy
06:34Why wouldn't you allow the runway to have him start with the people?
06:38He wants to surround himself with do you believe that Robert Kraft really told him five years ago that he was gonna be the guy
06:43No, I'm just saying that if you want to have that person
06:47We all believe that Gerard Mayo success would have been seen as Robert Kraft success, correct? Yeah
06:53So why wouldn't you have done everything you could to enable that guy that you're bragging about is your known?
06:59You know successor because here's the other issue Curtis because he picked a guy that wasn't ready for the job
07:06It's not
07:08Give him a lot of credit for owning his mistake and for fixing it
07:11I do but but Gerard Mayo was nowhere near ready for that job in every aspect of it
07:17But here's the other issue that no one's mentioned that we're missing out people say, okay
07:22We he didn't get to pick his coaches. He didn't get to pick his coaches
07:26That's part of it
07:27But the other problem that we don't know about when we're talking about pick picking players and Ty will tell you this because he knows
07:34maybe Gerard's
07:36philosophy on what he wants his defense to look like is
07:40Different than what the GM wants to look like so they might say no
07:45Listen, they might say we don't want big defensive linemen. We want more athletic. We don't want tall corners
07:53I want faster corners
07:54These are all the things that as a coach when you come in you have a specific way where you want to do things
08:02Philosophy wise and scheme wise and they didn't allow him to do that
08:06We don't know if Elliot Wolfe said maybe Gerard. We knew Gerard was like I want my quarterback to run
08:13Mr. Kraft, right. So guess what? This is what I want. He can go straight to mr.
08:19But Elliot Wolfe was still making the decision he was bringing guys in
08:24Uh-huh, who said the interviews were light on football
08:29Like I don't think he was ready. I mean there was an election
08:34That was
08:35Around the league. They said when they brought guys into interview for coordinator positions, the discussions were light on football
08:43That's what it should be all on is football and speaking about all on football and staff
08:49I sent a text to a friend of the show Dante Scarnacchia yesterday
08:52Mm-hmm. I said, you know any chance you'd come back work with Rabel and he said two chances slim and none
08:59I think someone like that. Yeah, what about Josh McDaniel my brother's name? Well, that's
09:05The rumbling is that if Mike Rabel comes back Josh McDaniels comes back as your offensive coordinator. I'm I like you
09:13Why would that happen? I love relationship. Do they have I mean they were here together for an extended period of time
09:20I mean, why wouldn't it happen if it's about football not in a coaching capacity though variable is still a player at that time, right?
09:29Josh hired me when he's here cuz I used to give him a hard-ass time and in the luck was he was with the DBS
09:34Man, I mean we sit in Josh to go get coffee. You're probably the reason
09:38Because you remember variables OC was Arthur Smith who's now in Pittsburgh
09:43So that was his OC when he was in Tennessee, and then it went to Todd Downing and that's why I said it's part of
09:49Philosophy, so maybe Vrabel wants to come he might want to hire a coach and say hey listen
09:54We want to be a run first team
09:55So you got to be careful on who the coordinator that you hired and I don't think Gerard Gerard was allowed those type of
10:02Demarcus Covington his guy. Yeah, he was okay
10:12So basically you're telling me okay, I can come in and hire a few guys
10:16As a head coach, it's my team. I guess Danny didn't want Troy Brown. I mean, I don't think he wanted a no he got demoted
10:29Which I don't understand that one
10:31He basically said they basically said hit you know what they're doing
10:35They're basically saying here's some scraps for you, buddy
10:37You can hire a defensive guy and a couple defensive but on offense you stay far away from that
10:42What kind of I get that he was probably like oh, yeah, you you you you get allowed me this opportunity
10:48I'm grateful, but how are you really giving somebody the ability to be successful?
10:53That'd be like you saying to me Greg you could come on my show
10:56But you can't say this you can't talk about that would probably say no. I don't want the job
11:03That's what he should know
11:05Okay, I mean no offense to the guy because he's a very nice guy great interview
11:10But it's probably good that they kept them away from the offense
11:13I mean, I don't know what their record would have been if they didn't but you promised one thing and given something else
11:21I agree, by the way, great if you if you say you can pick your own staff
11:24Yes, if you can pick your own staff, yes, and you don't have the actual budget to pay the guys
11:30Then you're just talking about semantics. It's the same thing with free agents
11:33the reason
11:34Coordinators didn't want to come here
11:36First and foremost is that they weren't paying at the top of the market because they were paying his predecessor 30 million dollars to do
11:42Nothing. Yeah, I just I I I think that Robert Kraft for whatever reason
11:49Picked him as the guy and I think it was because there was interest
11:53Elsewhere Gerard Mayo and he was getting frustrated with Bill Belichick
11:58And I just think that he gave him the job way too soon
12:02He didn't know what he was going to it's impossible to identify somebody on a trip to Israel as
12:10Being a I was on nature a great you were on the trip obviously did not impress. No, I
12:17Mean, what did you do? Did you go off by your did you go off to the wailing wall by yourself or what?
12:22I don't like I did you not hang with everybody?
12:24Oh, I'm with everybody in but I picked up the tab when it came to like at the end of the night at the
12:29Mrs. Crabb had all that tab. I've been broken just like just just sitting on you were on that trip. Yes
12:36Yes, I see the two of them. Were they huddling and me?
12:40I mean, I didn't I didn't see that but he tried to interact with everybody
12:43I knew that he took a liking to Gerard from from not just football same way business
12:49So I think they they kind of click because draw was in business before he was he was with the suits
12:54He was in the in the corporate world, right and he wanted to get back in the coaches
12:58So I think mr. Craft looked at that. It's like, you know what? I like that. He's mentioned it before
13:03Yeah about you know draws business acumen, you know, I mean, I guess it's different from from coaching
13:09Yeah, I don't know but you know, that's where I think that they had their bond and he took a liking to him
13:14It's like Courtney's a court. He says all the time craft sold Gerard a bill of rights that that's all it is
