Rule Breakers Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In a nation where educating girls is seen as rebellion, a visionary woman dares to teach young minds to dream. When their innovation draws global attention, their success sparks hope—and opposition. As threats loom and sacrifices are made, their courage and unity ignite a movement that could forever transform the world.
Short filmTranscript
00:00Welcome to the FIRST Robotics Worldwide Competition, Afghanistan!
00:11The computers come today, for the boys.
00:14Girls, outside.
00:17The first time I touched a computer,
00:22it's like a light in the darkness.
00:25And my tiny world got bigger and bigger.
00:28We have no computer classes.
00:31I'll learn how to use these and then I'll teach girls in Afghanistan.
00:37Ten classrooms are a drop in the ocean, it's not changing anything.
00:40We are looking for four girls who would like to learn about robotics
00:44and compete with teams from other countries.
00:47It'll show Afghan girls in a new light.
00:50Are you interested in joining our team?
00:52You're the robot lady.
00:53How fast do these robots go?
00:55You get to drive them in America.
00:57And it's dangerous to talk about girls doing this.
00:59It's dangerous not to.
01:01My answer today and tomorrow will always be no.
01:04How did you convince your uncle?
01:06I said if we won, I would attract a rich husband.
01:09Of course.
01:13Every move that the robot does,
01:16it comes from your code.
01:18We can't embarrass our country.
01:21We have to show we can win.
01:28That bombing was sent to Tara's father from the Taliban.
01:31She has to quit the team.
01:36It doesn't matter what we do or accomplish.
01:38You come back here, everything is exactly the same.
01:43I really thought that I could change things.
01:45If the Taliban is mad at you,
01:48that means you have.
01:50You're just not finished.
01:53There's only one fight left tonight. If we miss it, we're dead.
01:57This event is the most important robotic competition in the world!
02:01This is our chance.
02:03We have to fight.
02:05And this is how we do it.
02:07We have made a mind detection robot.
02:10Nothing ever happened unless someone dreamed it first.
02:14What do you want?
02:16To win.
02:27I'm Nina Hossainzadeh.
02:29And I play Tara.
02:30I play Esen.
02:31I play Hadia.
02:32And I play Roya Mahboob in Rule Breakers.
02:34Coming to theaters everywhere March 7th.
02:37When you pre-order tickets to see Rule Breakers from Angel Studios,
02:40you also enter to win a $100,000 dream vacation of your choice.
02:44And here's the best part.
02:46In honor of the film,
02:48you get to send your favorite teacher or mentor
02:51on their own personal dream vacation.
02:54Rule Breakers is a movie that shows how visionary teachers and mentors
02:57can literally change the world.
02:59We're giving you the chance to win an incredible prize
03:02that you will never forget.
03:04And share the gift of a lifetime with a teacher who has made a difference for you.
03:08As a bonus, the earlier you order your tickets, the more entries you get.
03:12So go to slash rulebreakersgiveaway to get started.
03:23Rule Breakers
03:24Rule Breakers
03:25Rule Breakers
03:26Rule Breakers
03:27Rule Breakers
03:28Rule Breakers
03:29Rule Breakers
03:30Rule Breakers
03:31Rule Breakers
03:32Rule Breakers
03:33Rule Breakers
03:34Rule Breakers
03:35Rule Breakers
03:36Rule Breakers
03:37Rule Breakers
03:38Rule Breakers
03:39Rule Breakers
03:40Rule Breakers
03:41Rule Breakers
03:42Rule Breakers
03:43Rule Breakers
03:44Rule Breakers
03:45Rule Breakers
03:46Rule Breakers
03:47Rule Breakers
03:48Rule Breakers
03:49Rule Breakers
03:50Rule Breakers