• 2 months ago
Chronicles the origins and evolution of West Coast hip-hop through the life and influence of Alonzo "Lonzo" Williams. Kn | dG1fREdNb3hRa1NybGs
00:00I'm a DJ, I'm a club owner, I'm an author, I'm a promoter, because as time progresses,
00:09my story gets minimized.
00:12Can't nobody tell my story like I can tell my story.
00:17Back in the 80s, it was fun.
00:20I joined a record pool called the R&B Disco Truth.
00:23The brother that owned the R&B Disco Truth was the brother-in-law to the big time record
00:28executive for Ariston Records.
00:31One day, Joe Lackson said, hey man, I got stuff for Cameo going down on Friday and Saturday,
00:35and you don't even have a ticket on a Thursday night.
00:38I'm like, you can bring it to my club.
00:41Man, the club was cracking so hard, it was ridiculous.
00:45From that point on, I realized, hmm, bringing people to the club makes me money.
00:50Shortly after that, I hooked up with Curtis Blow.
00:53His DJ, Davey DMX, taught DJ Yella how to scratch.
00:57I had a show at his club, Eve After Dark, and I'll never forget it, because he didn't
01:03have a dressing room.
01:05So I got kind of angry.
01:07I was like, well, we need to change somewhere, right?
01:10And so he said, well, let me give you my office.
01:13You come on.
01:14You guys come around.
01:15So he let us in his office, and that's when we became friends.
01:19And a couple of guys came in, and Alonzo was curious about the DJ.
01:25He was invited out to Eve After Dark to do a gig at Christmas.
01:30And I think it was two shows.
01:32So after this first show, I hung around, and they were saying, yo, I wish we could do that.
01:39And the equipment, the technique turntables, and a mixer, and a crossfade.
01:45I don't think he'd ever seen a crossfade before.
01:47Yeah, it was just a good hangout night, you know what I'm saying?
01:50And they just asked me to show them what I was like, yo, let's do it.
01:54Set the turntables, you know, and drum machine up.
01:57Gave them a lesson, a hip-hop lesson.
01:59How to backspin, everything.
02:01I taught them pretty much everything that night.
02:03And it changed West Coast DJing forever.
02:08Back in the day, all clubs had dress codes.
02:11You back again, without your snake this time.
02:15But, rules are rules.
02:17We told you, you can't come in.
02:21What's the problem?
02:23You can start with that little attitude of yours.
02:26Talking shit to me ain't gonna help you.
02:28Why you fucking tripping on me, girl?
02:30Ain't nobody tripping on you.
02:32We got other customers.
02:34Go on with all of that.
02:40I ain't going anywhere.
02:45You again?
02:46Baby, I can't let you in here.
02:48This is ridiculous.
02:50I've had enough.
02:52Girl, bye.
02:53Fake Madonna looking ass.
02:58What's up, fellas?
02:59Yo, I'm Andre.
03:00You know my people, the Youngs?
03:02Oh, yeah.
03:03I know who you are.
03:04We trying to get in your club.
03:07Well, fellas, y'all a little young.
03:11But, since I know you folks,
03:14you tighten up the gear,
03:16and you can come in.
03:19Man, this Eve after dark.
03:22I ain't gotta get fucking dressed up to come in here.
03:26Well, if you don't get geared up,
03:31take your little ass somewhere else.
03:34What, what, what?
03:36You thought that because I know the Youngs,
03:38I was gonna let you ease your little ass up in my club?
03:41Eve, let's go.
03:43Yeah, ease your little ass on down the street, Eve.
03:47The club had a different vibe to it.
03:53I never understood how he did it.
