Devour Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Devour follows the story of "The Virginia Bitches," an all-female death metal band who are vampires by night and on the verge of stardom. After they save a young girl in the road who is on the run from a mysterious cult they become trapped in small town full of cannibals and led by a warlock. As the band members try to survive the night they must face not only grotesque horrors of a cannibal cult but also the dark supernatural forces that threaten to consume them all.
Directed by Scott B. Hansen
Directed by Scott B. Hansen
Short filmTranscript
00:00Behold, the fall, the collapse of Babylon, fall of the Tower of Man, when the stars careen
00:22from the heavens, and the dead walk the earth.
00:52The fall of the Tower of Man, the fall of the Tower of Man, the fall of the Tower of